Monday 30 April 2018

A Good Book

I only need a roof

Four walls

Water and power

Books and plants

Maybe a bed and a pillow and duvet to burrow into

Peace and quiet

And coffee ... copious cups of coffee

These days you can find it all in the middle of nowhere

I love being nowhere

With a good book


Sunday 29 April 2018

Finding Me

Knew her

Lost her

Found her

Almost lost her again

Found her

Being her at last


Saturday 28 April 2018


I used to blog a lot

I used to garden and grow a lot

I used to do a lot

Now I don't

Unless I want to

You don't have to want to

Unless you want to


Thursday 26 April 2018

The Open Road

We're on the road a lot these days 

I love to travel

The open road and him and me

Sometimes it's soothing 

To get away 

It really is

But it's also good to be home



Wednesday 25 April 2018

My Place

I found my place

It turned out to be an old place

One visited and revisited

Many many times

That's sometimes the very best kind of place

A happy place

A simple place

My place


Tuesday 24 April 2018

To the rescue

I couldn't agree more 


Doing my little bit the other day

Sugar solution for exhausted bees - 1/2 teaspoon sugar and a couple of drops of water

Never give them honey


Monday 23 April 2018

Weirdos and Memories

I'm so lucky

I found my weirdo fourteen years ago

We're busy making them


And hopefully we will continue to make them for a long time 



Sunday 22 April 2018

From Sunshine to Shade

Stepping from the sunshine to the shade

Through greenery that soothes my soul

Taking time to touch leaves and notice wildflowers

So tiny on the pathway 

As I pass through I usually forget what I went for

It could be old age

But I prefer to think of it as the peace descending


Saturday 21 April 2018

We all need goals ...

We all need goals ... don't we?


Friday 20 April 2018

Just this ...

Take time for yourself

Time to wonder and be amazed

Time to simply be


Thursday 19 April 2018

Small Cake - Large Number

A Smaller Life = a smaller cake ... even if it does have a scarily large number on it  ðŸ˜‰

Even Google knows ...


Wednesday 18 April 2018

Sometimes ....

The first step can sometimes be the most scary

But it's usually the most exciting

Removing the unused and the unnecessary is so very necessary


Monday 16 April 2018

Less Stuff

When you have less stuff

You need less room to take it with you

Where ever you decide to  go

So even in a small car

You have the space to take the things you love

To start a whole new chapter in your life

And even fit yourselves in too

So true

Less stuff = Freedom


Tuesday 10 April 2018

A Smaller Life = A Smaller Wardrobe

When you're living a Smaller Life you can have a Smaller Wardrobe

But how small is a smaller wardrobe

Is it just the basics ... the bare minimum

Or perhaps lots of choice, but made up of clothes that mix and match and can all be used together

Or maybe there's a happy medium

Not quite just the basics

But just enough

For the Smaller Life you are leading

--- --- --- 

All these photos come from the brilliant Blog The Vivienne Files  it's on my sidebar 

I used the Starting from Scratch page at the top of the blog and worked my way through the instructions for building my new Smaller Wardrobe

It's an excellent resource


Sunday 8 April 2018

The Great Orme, Llandudno

We walked along part of the pathway that goes around the Great Orme in Llandudno today

We've been saying we would do it for years

The sea birds circled

Our starting point at West Shore was busy with walkers ... with and without dogs ... and children played on the swings, slides and roundabouts their happy shouts of 'watch me Mum' breaking the spell of the fresh, peaceful Spring day

A lone swan circled the boating lake, tucking his head under his wing to keep the world away ... making us both think of a day long ago

The feral goats were as laid back as we felt

 Busy doing nothing in the long grasses and bracken

After an hour or so we were tired, and little Pug legs had had enough

 Next time we'll take the tram


Friday 6 April 2018

Rainy Days

I did clean the house a bit

Then I sorted the house a bit

Then I decided to put things into perspective and drink coffee .... a lot of coffee


Monday 2 April 2018

It's Monday

It's Monday 

It feels like Sunday

And there's snow ... in April ... at Easter.

You have to love such a contrary world.
