Friday 21 August 2020

Here and There

Once again I am back in my Happy Place, and I should be for  at least the next couple of weeks unless something else crops up.  Suky is snoring away in her little living room bed as I type ... gosh she can snore!!

I spent most of last week having a bit of a tidy up at home in Wales and cleaning the inside of all the house windows to keep everything shipshape for viewings.   It's no good having views to die for unless you can actually see them properly!!

The land and garden has gotten away with us a bit over the last month or so, it really is too much to manage unless there are two people working on it every day of the week, so we are getting a gardener in for a couple of days work to bring calm to the chaos ready for the next round of viewings, and for our own sanity.  He came at the start of year just as we put the house on the market so he knows what to expect.

We had what could be a successful viewing earlier today with a couple from Suffolk looking around the property.  Seemingly they have a son who is a carpenter and they said he would love the fully set up woodworking workshop.  So they filmed it all to show him ... we have our fingers firmly crossed.  As a back up we have another viewing booked in for September by a guy in Surrey, at last a bit more interest.  It seems there are a lot of people from Southern England that are interested in a new life in Wales, as our last set of viewers were living down South too.

Our fingers are crossed, very firmly crossed.

Have a good weekend everyone ๐Ÿ’š

Sue xx


  1. Finger, toes, eyes and anything else crossable crossed for you. A gardener is a very good idea.

    1. Thank you. It is and he knows the land as he's worked for us once before, so a quick whizz round with all his trimmers, strimmers and mowers and we should be neat once again.

  2. It's really hard maintaining a property when a) you aren't living there full time b) you've mentally moved on. Good luck, fingers crossed one of the viewings comes up trumps.

    1. Definintely ... I'm not there, Alan is working full time up in the office and in August the land goes to pot anyway and always has done, so it's easiest to pay someone to get it all under control again.

  3. I will keep my fingers crossed for you too. You (and Pug) need to get all this behind you.

    1. Thank you, it would be nice to move on sooner rather than later.

  4. Good thinking re the gardener, impossible for you both to keep up with it, as you say. Hope you have a positive offer soon. Yes, short nosed dogs can snore for England (or Wales!), can't they...our Betty is the same, I can hear her now (she's upstairs flat out on our bed, I'm downstairs).

    1. Yes, he's a good chap too, so there will be minimal disruption while Alan works.

  5. Enjoy this time in your Happy Place. Fingers crossed that
    it's going to start moving soon with the sale and you can move forward x x x

    1. Oh, I always do :-) Fingers are most definintely crossed.

  6. Crossing finger and toes! You've got a couple of good prospects there. I'm glad for you that you are back in your happy place!

  7. Crossing all that I can.

    God bless.

  8. Everything is crossed here too! The Real Estate business is quite different here in New Zealand and I'm very grateful we rarely have your kind of stress. Sales are usually "Unconditional" - meaning the buyer has arranged finance and cannot back out for any reason. Other sales are conditional upon a Builder's report, or checking of Council compliance records, and sometime upon the sale of X house (and people are very wary of doing those kinds of deals). Likewise the seller cannot back out of a sale because someone offers a higher price, or they decide they don't want to move.

    The last time we moved (12 years ago) we saw a house completely unexpectedly. Liked it, bought the new place, put the old one on the market with a two week tender process and were gone six weeks later! Certainly that speed only happened because I'd done all the decluttering and preparation during the previous year or so. But the market here is red hot after the Covid Lockdown. People have spent more time in their homes, decided what worked (and didn't) and places are being snapped up at ridiculous prices.

    Let's hope yours goes well, very soon.

    1. It does sound much easier in New Zealand, I've always said our housing market seems to be overly complicated.

  9. I hope your home sells quickly & for exactly the price you hope for. Exciting times ahead. I can't wait to see the pictures of your new home in Sark. Love, Andrea xoxo

    1. I doubt we will end up on Sark, well I don't think we will. My first plan is still Lancashire, a my Mum is only an hours drive away from here.

  10. Fingers crossed Sue! Enjoy your quiet time at the van, 'cos it could soon be all systems go ;)


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