Saturday 14 November 2020

Snippets of Home


A cosy corner.

A messy coat cupboard ...

Slightly more organised by covering a box with some wallpaper.

The kitchen shelves.

The layout keeps morphing slightly but I think I like how they are laid out at the moment.

And the spice drawer right next to the cooker which makes me smile every time I pull it out to use some spices.  It's so much easier and quicker having them here like this.

Things are definintely taking shape at last.

Sue xx


  1. It's all looking very Sue-esque! I like your lamp, and your wellies.

    1. I LOVE that ... 'Sue-esque' :-)

      I love my lamp, and the wellies are my £10 bargain buy of last year, earning their keep well on the riverbank each morning.

    2. Yes, yes, I saw and now covet the wellies !
      Just by looking at what you post and your writing, I do believe, I could live with you , at least next door.:)

    3. Next door would be fine, any closer and I would drive you to distraction ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿคฃ

    4. Or on the same street, I won't crowd you! :)

  2. How clever to use a drawer rather than a cupboard. it makes them so much more accessible.

    1. It's a game-changer for sure, so much more accessible and it makes me want to use the spices even more.

  3. A great storage solution to cover a box with wallpaper. Your spice drawer looks fab!

    1. It served two purposes, making good use of a nice strong cardboard box that was taking up space in the spare room and hiding the bucket full of gardening bits that I brought with me from the Van. I love my spice drawer.

  4. I love the splash of green on the shelves, one of your favourite colours. The spice jars are very practical laying down, makes identification so much easier. It's all looking good.

    1. Oh yes, everywhere I go green will follow :-)

      Yes, SO much better than continually turning jars round to see the labels or rummaging in a basket or on a shelf foor the one I want.

  5. I only have two small kitchen drawers and they have other things in them but like the idea of the spices in them. Are your neighbours quiet?

    1. I am lucky to have three drawers, so one for cutlery, one for the spices and one for tea-towels, food wrappings and odds and sods.

      I am lucky with the neighbours, a young couple with a very boisterous but quiet Labrador puppy live next door to me but the only rooms that butt against each other are the bathroom and bedroom, and I'm guessing that as I'm in the smaller of the two bedrooms we each have they must be in the larger one that does not adjoin. The poor guy upstairs is a now retired surgeon who sadly has Long Covid. I met him and got to know him while I was moving in and for the first few days of me being here but then he took a turn for the worse and all I hear now is him moving slowly round the flat, and carers arriving every now and then.

  6. You have a knack of making everything look as if it should be in a Country living magazine (Sigh) I am so envious as I am hopeless at it. So glad you feel settled

    1. I guess that's partly due to me living in the country for so long and having 'country-style' things and partly that I did a Visual Merchandising course when I worked in retail, so the only artistic bone in my body is in arranging things, I couldn't draw or paint to save my life!!

  7. You are so neat. A clever idea for the spice drawer too. I love your salt lamp, Sue, and have been mulling over treating myself to one for Christmas. Do you feel it brings any health benefits? You are getting very cosy in your new place. It looks lovely x

    1. I do love my salt lamp and yes I feel it brings benefits, even the minor one of it's soothing glow in the room. The negative ions it releases are supposed to be brilliant for any room with electrics and electronics in, but they are also good in the bedroom to aid a restful nights sleep.

      I will say if you are buying one try to go to a shop selling them rather than buying online, as the girl in the shop said to me you will immediately know the one for you. This was the third one she put a bulb into for me to try out and the minute it lit up I knew it was mine. Some are redder, some are whiter but mine has a reddish orangey glow.

      It is feeling cosy here now.

    2. Thanks for the tip Sue. I'm not sure where to buy one locally but I'll try to track down a shop to visit after lockdown.

  8. I agree with an organized spice drawer. When we finally, after twenty years or so, got our 1940's kitchen done over, a proper way of storing spices was on my list of must-haves. It makes a huge difference in how one enjoys cooking. -Jenn

    1. It just makes such a difference doesn't it :-)

      A 1940's kitchen sounds amazing!!

  9. Love that wide striped jug, I can't resist jugs!

    1. The stripey one is actually a mug, I can't resist green and white stripes ... or jugs!!

  10. You are settling in so quickly! How nice to start afresh with a clean slate - to fill as you please! Best wishes in your new place!

    1. Most of the things that I've put around the flat have come with me from Wales or the Van, there is very little that is new, just re-purposed. Thank you so much for your good wishes :-)

  11. Everything looks so cozy and nice. Yes, you are home now and I love the special touch you have when decorating.

    1. Thank you, it's just the style I love, and it's easy to make things look good when you love them all.

  12. I want to ask about that drape, I really like that material.
    And your kitchen shade with the flowers, where can I get one?

    1. The curtains in the living room were bought for our first farmhouse when we moved into it in 2009, and were purchased in Cumbria on an Ulverston Market stall to take with us. This is the last remaining pair as we had to leave some behind in the farmhouse. I absolutely love them and they have been used in every house I have lived in since. As they are nice and long and wide they have been placed one at each window in the living room here ... and they will be coming to my next house with me. The kitchen roller blind was already here so I have no idea where it is from ... sorry!!

  13. Ohhh, I want a spice drawer. Except I am not sure which drawer to give up and if it would contain my many spices and herbs.

    God bless.

    1. It really is worth doing, perhaps all your favourites and most frequently used could be in a drawer near the cooker and others left where they currently live :-)

  14. Your spice drawer is so well-organised - everything is handy and with legible labels. Coming from India as I am, I had to smile at the labels ‘Turmeric’, Coriander Powder’, ‘Garam Masala’, ‘Curry Powder’, ‘Cumin’, ‘Kala Namak’.....And I remembered the time I had first set up my kitchen - had bought a kitchen rack from the UK with bottles filled with thyme, rosemary, sage,....loved all the English spices.

    Love your cosy corner too.

    1. Oh I love all the English herbs too, especially Rosemary it's my absolute favourite. The spices I have are the ones I cook with most as I love curries and dahls, I tend to make do when a recipe calls for something I don't have ... Garam Masala or Curry Powder covers a lot of bases.

  15. It looks lovely Sue and I love your kitchen shelves. It all looks as if it is taking shape now and definitely looks like a lovely cosy home.

    1. The shelves and my matching dish drainer were a gift to myself as a house warming present. They were originally meant for the little house I thought I was buying but they have fitted in here perfectly for the time being.

  16. Wonderful snippets of you lovely new home. That kitchen shelf is a favourite of mine, I love it! xxx

    1. I loved it as soon as I saw it, it had to be mine ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  17. Oh Sue what a gorgeous shelf unit in your kitchen! PLEASE tell me where you bought it. A spice drawer is the best idea but now I don't have enough drawer space to do that and they are all collecting dust and looking messy on a shelf๐Ÿ˜ xx

    1. It and my dish drainer were an expensive treat meant for the little house I thought I was buying. They were from a company called Nkuku.


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