Thursday 28 December 2023

My New Blog


Just a heads up to all my regular readers on here.

 I have decided to carry on blogging in a slightly different way for a while.  Who knows it may stick and I might start my wacky ramblings more regularly.  A few of the more crime solving minded regular readers have already found me, following clues to the new venue.

No murders have been committed ... yet!!

If you click on the top photo in the sidebar of this blog you will land in the new place with barely a bump.

If you can't see the sidebar you could just click HERE.

This blog will now be left dormant and the comments switched off again.  Thank you for reading over the years.

Sue xx

Friday 15 December 2023

Merry Christmas


Just appearing to wish all my readers ... and yes there are still a lot of you lovely folk reading through all of my various blogs and their posts since my disappearance ... all the very best for Christmas and the New Year.

I hope it's everything that you would like it to be, and that you can manage to have a happy and simple Christmas that suits you.

The Heathrow Bears - Coming Home for Christmas 2023. 

With lots of love from all of us in Lancashire.

Sue, Alan, Ginger, Suky and Mavis xx
