Thursday 5 October 2023

Taking a Break


For various business and health reasons I am going to take a break from my blogs for a while.  I will be turning comments off from today so that I do not have to worry about missing any of your messages ... or of course that all intrusive Spam.

It's time to take a step back and revel in some peace.

Hopefully I will be back soon, if not please don't worry there is nothing drastically wrong.

Wishing everyone love, light and happiness ... and a cosy Winter season.

Sue xx  💖

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Awww ... Suky's Mum


Aww ... look what popped up in my Facebook Memories on the first of this month.

It's little baby Suky and her Mum in a photo that we used on a calendar, we had it made for us and a few family members who got their copies as gifts for Christmas 2016.

They all loved it by the way and it seemed to be a novel gift idea, perhaps we should do it again one year, or maybe not it would never be original again would it, perhaps we could do it just for us next time.

Suky's mum was a Welsh Pug called Lady Midnight Star and her dad was a black Pug called Kenmilleven Graphite, I'm guessing he was called Ken for short!!  I remember sharing her family tree when her Kennel Club registration came through and it turned out that one of my blog readers had a Pug with the same dad as Suky.

It's funny to think that both our dogs are Welsh.  Suky was from South Wales but bought when we lived in Oxfordshire, and obviously Mavis is from North Wales.  So we cover nearly all the UK between us, me and Ginger are English, Alan is Scottish and the dogs are Welsh.

Suky last month, looking much older than her Mum now, but still just as gorgeous in my eyes.

Sue xx