Each night there was entertainment from the 70's.
Magical older friends. 💝
Sue xx
I love this ☝ꜛ
I love the simplicity of it and the message it carries
I love that it reminded me that I have never said I Love You to my readers.
Some of you have followed me for years, far too many years of waffle perhaps
On different blogs of various topics containing posts that are short and concise or that ramble on for days.
You have been there in the written word, via comments, emails and Messenger
You have been there in person, chatting over our car-boot stalls, in our home over glasses of wine, dishes of curry ... and lots and lots of cups of coffee on the patio in Wales.
So just this once
I will say
I love you.
Was that startling?
Sue xx
These books haven't been touched for far too long, dusted yes, read no. I will remedy that at the weekend and take the first of the Helen Forrester's away with me. Tuppence to Cross the Mersey is one of my favourite books.
I often wonder which of my books I would choose if I had to pick just my favourite one hundred to keep and have to lose all of the others in some strange book disappearing calamity ... this would be among the ones kept for sure.
I've read all but the Kate Humble book from this little decorative pile. Rather weirdly I don't even remember buying the Kate humble book!!
And that concludes a tour of all my living room books, I could count them I guess and see how many I actually own at the moment ...
... but I'm too busy reading to count. 😄
My vegetable garden ... or Veggie Patch as it was known ... in Wales.
(And the last header photo from the old blog.)
We lived there from September 2013 to March 2021 and enjoyed most of our time there. Our reasons for leaving were summed up pretty neatly on the final post of my old blog Our New Life in the Country. HERE
A tour in and around the polytunnel in July 2017 is HERE.
Prior to moving to Wales we lived for a couple of years near Pangbourne in Berkshire, England and this was the vegetable garden there.
The only problem with this one was the deer that came and ate a LOT of my plants and vegetables. As you can see from this photo we tried all sorts of deterrents to try and stop them.
I loved this and I guess that it was this one that sealed my love of growing food for us to eat on a larger scale. But of course this was only the tip of the iceberg ...
So of course my new garden seems tiny to me, but I love it just as much, and if anything the challenge of getting something edible from it is giving me so much joy.
No matter what available space you have whether it be the ten-plus acres as we had at first or the five acres that came next (twice) or a tiny garden or even a window sill, there's always something that you can grow that will taste wonderful and save you some money.
Sue xx
It's been sunny here for the last few days, but unless you are sat directly in the sunshine it's still very cold.
I might have put the summer weight duvet on the bed the other day, but it's topped with my old patchwork quilt and now the blue lightweight quilt as well. If it gets any colder my winter dressing gown is within reach to throw on top of that. I feel as though I am being buried in layers and layers, but cosy is always the way forward.
Our little patio area between the house and the lodge is a real suntrap early in the mornings and if I sit still with my book and my coffee I can watch birds on the birdfeeder as they greedily divest it of it's supply of fat-balls and seeds. By the end of this week our stock will have run dry and they can go to forage for themselves along the canal and the river. And not a moment too soon either as this morning there was a chubby little bird sat inside the little 'house' area being fed by it's Mum ... she needs to teach it to forage for itself now it was bigger than her!!