Tuesday 23 May 2023

Rebelling Against the Adverts


I'm quietly rebelling against the adverts at the moment.

The adverts that tell me who I am

What I should wear

The foods I must eat.

The adverts that tell me I have to have this, that and the other

That life would be so much easier if I had the right shoes, dress, shopping crate.

The adverts that tell me I should stop spending money on things 

And start spending money on the memories that only they can proved me with.

I am slowly disengaging from the places where the adverts can find me.  Scrolling past them without letting them catch my eye when I am in places where they lurk, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting formerly satisfied people.

Who says we have to do, be, want, need certain things ... not me, not you, it must be they!!

Sue xx


  1. Beautifully said ❤️ xx

  2. I posted the same thing back a few months ago on my FB page. I love not listening to the ads.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, it came up on my Facebook Memories and really resonated again, so I decided to share it on here too. xx

  3. I never watch advert, I hate them. They are the reason that so many people are discontented, always thinking their kitchen should be pristine and their hair flowing and silky. I turn the sound off and do my scrabble while they are on, or record and then skip through them. Briony

    1. Yes, exactly. I record virtually everything that I watch on television these days, and on the stations with adverts it means that I can whizz through them and get back to my programme ... instead of being talked into buying the latest 'must have' thing.

  4. I hate adverts - there are so many in TV which I don't do now, even Classis Radio. I can make my own mind about things.

    1. There seem to be more and more adverts in the programmes these days too, especially on programmes that are very popular. I choose all my own watching pretty carefully these days.

  5. That poem is beautiful and sums up what I truly believe. I skip the ads too. Any TV progs on channels which show ads are recorded and then the ads fast forwarded; not what the businesses have paid for I know, but it gives me more peace of mind.

    1. Yes, all mine are recorded too. I've even started a month's trial on YouTube to see what it's like without the ads. It's a gamechanger ... I might even keep it when I have to pay. The YouTubers sill get a percentage from the fee in lieu of the advertising revenue they are missing out on ... and I just whizz forward through anything that they themselves are trying to sell me.

  6. Amen to that.

    I also (mainly) watch recorded TV and fast forward every advert break. I'm at the point where the more I see something advertised the more I am resolved NOT to even consider it (although TBH, most things I see advertised don't appeal anyway).

    1. It's brilliant watching the adverts whizz by at 64 times the normal speed isn't it. :-)

  7. My husband puts the TV on silent during adverts and it drives me mad. I tell him not to watch/listen if he doesn’t like them. He manages not to hear half of what I say to him so I don’t see why he can’t zone out when the adverts are on! Regards June

    1. My hubby channel hops during the advert breaks on his TV, and then ends up missing when his programme comes back on. It's just one of the reasons we live next door to each other. ;-)

  8. Same here. I define who I am, not what adverts or people suggest.

    1. Exactly. It's a shame it takes years, age and experience to understand this isn't it. Think of the money our children and grandchildren could be saving if they realised this now.

  9. Thanks for posting the poems. I have finally become comfortable in my own skin after many years of presenting an expensively maintained front. I am clean, tidy warm or cool as the weather dictates. My aim is to have a healthy and happy older age in my recycled/ handmade clothes. Catriona

    1. That sounds absolutely perfect. :-)

  10. So, so true! Ditto for social media 'influencers' xx

    1. Yes, they are pushing more and more things at us aren't they. If I see one more recommendation for Athletic Greens I will scream.

  11. Yes, very annoying. It's all becoming too much. I am a grown up and can make my own decisions.

    1. It really has ramped up another few gears in the past couple of years hasn't it. Everyone is desperate to try and get our money.


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