Thursday 4 May 2023

Leftover Mash?


I was watching some YouTube videos the other day, as I tend to do in the mornings while I slowly waken up clutching a cup of coffee or two, when I came across a few from Wicked Kitchen, one in particular caught my attention.

Unfortunately it won't let me share the video on here with a picture as it is a 'short'.  But here is the link:

I immediately thought of the two tubs of leftover mashed potato that I had in the fridge.

I grated a block of my Applewood cheese, while my 2/3 of a sheet of ready rolled pastry from the fridge came to room temperature and then set about making the Mashed Potato Wellington.

It was really simple, a good pile of mashed potato on top of the pastry, sprinkled with some of the cheese, a drizzle of  baked beans down the centre and a little bit more of the potato on top, just so that the 'bean juice' wasn't in contact with the pastry too much.  I folded the sides over and the ends in, sticking them together with a quick brush of water and then popped it into my fan oven which was now pre-heated to 180 degrees.

Half an hour later and it was ready.  

I just had two slices of it for my lunch along with a small salad, and the rest of it went into the fridge along with ...

... leftover beans, leftover cheese and more leftover mashed potatoes.

And the leftover mashed potato wellington was eaten the next day just as it was, with a dollop of mayonnaise added to the plate, and if anything it was even more delicious.

No wonder my food lasts me so long, I seem to live on leftovers!!  😀

Sue xx


  1. Lol ! I love this ! 💐 My kinda cooking ! You made me chuckle this morning ! Have a beautiful day !

  2. Looks tasty, I also find that when I make something with leftovers I end up with more leftovers than I started with 😂
    Country Cook

  3. When we were children we used to stay in a large house in Lyme Regis on holiday most years. Dad would take over the cooking for the week and he used to make potato, cheese and baked bean pie. Brings back happy memories.

  4. I love left over meals, we had leftover veggie and bean stew last night with freshly made dumplings in the oven so all crispy on top. Pastry and mashed potato , gourmet food at its best .x

  5. Sounds and looks delicious. Amazing what one can do with leftovers, and it's often better than the original meal.

  6. As Heather above I use up leftover mash in a baked bean pie sprinkled with cheese. Leftovers can bring out the creativity in anyone I think and I always look forward to the 'end of the fridge stuff' challenge each week when I conjour up some delightful dish with all the bits and pieces of unused veg and bits and bobs before we go shopping.

  7. I’d make cheesy potato scones and have them with the beans. Catriona

  8. That looks wonderful. We live on leftovers here also.

    God bless.

  9. I'm keen to try this and may alter the baked beans bit to broad beans, when they're ready in the garden. I've got a passion for broad beans this year - we tried broad beans in a thick buttery sauce on toast and it was delicious.

  10. That looks like good rib-sticking stuff, I bet it's a fantastic hangover dish! xxx

  11. That looks so delicious 😍 simple food at it's best 👍


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