Tuesday 2 May 2023

The Big Relaunch of the Food Cupboard Challenge

The big relaunch of The Food Cupboard Challenge .... haha, now that sounded great didn't it, I couldn't resist.  😁

Actually I just mean that from today onwards I will be doing it properly.

I will resist every temptation to move foods from one place to another.  I find that this is one of my biggest failings, I see a gap in the top part of the food cupboard and have an immediate urge to fill it, either with shopping or with something from another place.  It means I quickly lose track of what I have and what is where, I think it's mostly because I would like all my food to be in the one place.  Who knows maybe if I do this challenge properly this time that will actually happen.  

Now that would be good!!

So yesterday, with this post in mind I took these photos.

For posterity, and to see exactly where everything is right now at the start of the Challenge ... and of course because a peek inside someone else's cupboards, especially food cupboards is always a nice thing, so they are for you as well as for me.  😄

Even the little drawers have filled up again with all the lovely foodie gifts I was sent for my birthday.  The thing is, when you tell all the family that you don't want any more 'stuff' you get edibles and toiletries instead.  Which means that I am now fully stocked up in all departments ... and very happy about it too. 💝

The little wire shelves above the drawers have barely changed in appearance since the start of the year. A couple of the packs of biscuits from the glass jar have been eaten and some of the tiny jars of jam from the larger of the two cream coloured enamel tubs have been eaten for breakfasts.  Oh, and the contents of the granola jar have changed as it was refilled from a different box.

These shelves have only changed in that the jars have been topped up and the pepper pot is a different one, the cream coloured one I used to have leapt off the shelf and broke in a cloud of pepper ... atishoo!!  🤧

And that's all the ambient food in the house, of course there's stuff in the fridge and freezer, oh and I've just remembered the spice drawer and the extra spices that I found recently in the enamel teapot, and posted about here.

Thank you for all the comments yesterday that overwhelmingly said you would be interested in continuing to watch my ongoing food expenditure successes and failures, hopefully by relaunching this challenge I will be able to keep myself on the straight and narrow and really limit the spending for the next few months.

I'm going now before I remember any more food stashes and have to continue confessing to my huge stock of food.  Anyway it's time for me to do my online banking now as Alan has just been over with a document for me to sign and reminded me to check to see if my wages are in my account yet ... if they are I could go shopping, or maybe not!!  😁

Sue xx


  1. I love your challenges and a peek into your shopping expeditions :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ta da !!! Sorry, I haven't got a trumpet to herald this momentous occasion :) I love a neat cupboard and I wish you luck with resisting the temptation to replace empty spaces ,I would find that very difficult, maybe jot down the cost of each non replaced item to see how much it would have saved you ( mind you , you will still buy them at the end ). x

    1. Haha ... thank you for the fanfare, my first laugh out loud moment of today. :-)

      No doubt I will have to have a huge replacement session at the very end ... something to look forward to for me. :-)

  3. I enjoy reading about your various challenges so will keep on reading your blog. Catriona

    1. Thank you, I'd be dismayed if you didn't. ;-)

  4. I love the passion you have for food and organisation! Our cupboard stock is appalling, I don't think we've moved on from me being a penniless student and jopn being a starving musician. xxx

    1. Aww ... poor you two. I think you live a wonderful life, especially for a ex-penniless student and a formerly starving musician. I bet you have a good supply of cat food!

  5. Wow you have plenty of food in those lovely neat and tidy cupboards and drawers so step away from the shops, Sue.... Step away 😂. I look forward to the new relaunched challenge! 👍

    1. I have so much, especially since I have really down-scaled the shopping since January. I think I forget that there's just me to feed.

  6. I finally managed to move most of my food into a couple of places, though I am sure I will find more somewhere at a later date.

    God bless.

    1. It will be so much easier if I can get to a stage where all the food is in the Food Cupboard. xx

  7. I don't think I got to comment yesterday but I for one am glad to see you continue - you seem well stocked in every nook and cranny! I have to do the dreaded supermarket shop today and it is sunny and would be better spent in the garden. x

    1. I am very well stocked, it's hard to remember that i used to have even more supplies spread around the lodge in boxes and baskets ... at least it's all in the kitchen now. :-)

  8. Lovely. Your cupboards always look highly organised and interesting to me - and most of your food choices a lot healthier than mine!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh I have my moments with the unhealthy stuff too. ;-)


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