Friday 17 February 2023

Ramekins, Lids and Food in Unexpected Places


I've been getting a head start on the Spring Cleaning, just little bits here and there so that there will be no need for an almighty cleaning session.  The other day while the computer was firing up I noticed a fine layer of dust on this shelf ... you can even see the dust here in the photo ... so I decided that this would be that days little task.

So the shelves were emptied and wiped down, while they were drying I emptied inside the cupboard too and wiped that, putting everything back a little bit neater and getting rid of some of the excess plastic lids that I had for the Gu ramekins.

My world was made happy when I discovered that Pringles and Stacker lids fit these so neatly!!

But I did have to start being ruthless when we were packing to move from Wales and I discovered just how many of the little ramekins and lids we had actually saved!!  

While I was organising the contents of the cupboard I decided to streamline the bulging sachet bowl.  So I opened and tipped the contents of all the brown sugar sachets into my little sugar jar.

And did the same with the salt, leaving just a few of both in my little sachet stash for emergency use.

It was when I went to lift the enamel teapot down that I discovered the 'food in unexpected places' !!

 I can't remember when I put salt and spices in there, but the minute I picked up the teapot and felt it's weight I knew what it contained.  They will come in very useful, and I'm really pleased that I found them before I ran out of any of them and purchased some more.

Sue xx


  1. I think I learned about the Gu jars and Pringles lids from you and I have a lid for each of the jars - so useful for small amounts.
    I love that little cupboard/shelf!

    1. They are really handy little pots aren't they and even more so with lids so that you can stack them or keep things fresh. I got the cupboard off FB Marketplace a couple of years ago.

  2. A Gu pot has only entered my house once, when Tam treated me. I don't eat Pringles either so mine remains lidless! Glad the salt and spices turned up before you had to buy more.

    1. I did enjoy the vegan versions until recently, now suddenly they are much too sweet for me, so my collection will have to remain at seven. It was very fortuitous to find them in time. :-)

  3. I'm still discovering "things packed in odd places" and it's almost two years since we moved.

    1. Oh gosh ... I have another six months of potentially finding things then. :-)

  4. Isn’t it great when you have a bonus find. I’ve often looked at those Gu puddings in Booths but have resisted temptation (so far). Catriona

    1. If you ever need to buy ramekins, just buy some Gu puddings instead and keep the pots. :-)

  5. Thank you for the great jar/lid tip!
    I'm always stashing things away, forgetting, then coming across these little surprises now and again - the enamel teapot is a great hiding place
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Hopefully as I work my way through all the food in the Lodge, the discovery of random food items in unusual places will stop. Well I can hope it will!!

  6. My favourite winter pastime: removing everything from a cupboard - deciding what goes back after a good clean then getting rid of the rest!

    1. It is good to have a sort through, a clean and a reset isn't it.

  7. More cupboard envy! You do make me laugh with your food stashes. xxx

    1. It's a lovely little cupboard isn't it, seemingly it was handmade by the father of the man I bought it off and he was quite elderly, he was pleased it was going to a good home. I made myself laugh with this particular little stash. ;-)


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