Tuesday 14 February 2023

Valentines Day Shopping, Points and Vouchers


Very special shopping yesterday, ready for today.

Valentines flowers and a bottle of Port for Alan, including a tasteful bunch of flowers and a wacky multi-coloured rose to acquiesce to his garish sense of style.  

£32.50 spent ... GULP!!

But at least I collected some Nectar points and looking at my App it says that I have just over £15 worth of points.  They should come in very handy for restocking the vegetable drawer in the fridge next week ... perhaps if I had looked at it earlier I could have saved half the cost of this little spending spree.

Oh well what is done is done and at least I still have them.

I also have these.  😀

The two on the right arrived over six months ago and the three on the left last week.  That should help out with the cash flow very well, and luckily they have really long dates on them so there's no rush to spend them.

Sue xx



  1. Port - mmmmm. I love a good port!
    I need to check my Nectar points next time I'm in Sainsbury's.

    1. Alan loves Port, everyone buys him whiskey because he's Scottish, but he hates the stuff ... he's a Port man through and through.

  2. Awwww! I hope you got something equally thoughtful, Sue! xxx

    1. Alan bought me another bunch of greenery and we are going for a Prosecco Afternoon Tea at one of our favourite places.

    2. That looks gorgeous! You've just reminded me, a friend bought me an afternoon tea voucher for my birthday that I've not used yet, like you I wanted to save it for this flat time of year, I shall go and book a date right away! xxx

    3. Oh gosh yes, time to make good use of it. Enjoy!! :-)

  3. Its not something we celebrate. Did so in the first few years then agreed to not bother.

    1. We always have really, Valentines Day comes between our birthdays so we've always seen it as a good excuse to do something special in the sometimes gloomy February days.

  4. Spent all my M&S points at the weekend, buying Bob new jeans. Then impressed upon him that these are Smart Casual... Not for painting, car repair or other Dirty Tasks!

    1. Haha ... good luck with that. Alan always seems to have his best jeans on for dirty jobs and then when we go out on the spur of the moment, I realise that he has his oldest clothes on. Men!!

  5. Happy Valentines from our home to yours, x
    Thank you for the nudge to look at the value of my Nectar points which, TBH, is something I do not often remember to do. There is rather more accrued than I expected, a lovely surprise.

    1. They do add up nicely don't they. As me and Alan share the same numbers on our Nectar cards, his purchases automatically show up on mine and he never uses the points ... and of course I wouldn't dream of reminding him that they are there. ;-)

  6. I love a nice glass of port. Lovely flowers too and the vouchers and points will certainly come in handy later on won't they ;) I know I won't be getting a gift!

    1. I used to like it when I was little and Dad allowed us a glass of port and lemonade at Christmas, but I don't like any of the spirits, shorts or cocktails that I have tasted.

      As long as it's mutually agreed thing, no gift is just lovely and I would be very happy with that. How nice would it be just to have someone make you a nice cup of coffee and produce a packet of chocolate biscuits to share. :-)

  7. Port - a really delicious drink imho and definitely preferable to Whisky in our house too.
    I was given some lovely bubble bath and I made OH some heart shaped toast this morning!
    Enjoy your day
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Usually when someone buys him a bottle of Whisky ... 'because your Scottish and you must love Whisky' ...I end up turning it into blackberry or damson whisky just to make it drinkable. The longer you leave it with fruit and sugar in it the more liqueur like it goes. :-)

  8. Oh, one can never put a price on true love.

  9. Our eldest loves a good Port.

    God bless.

    1. It's a very rich and luxurious drink isn't it. xx


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