Saturday 4 February 2023

Food Cupboards ... and Weekend Watching

I've had many food cupboards through the years, and just through the years that I have been a blogger I have had more than my fair share of kitchens and cupboards.  So here a few of them, and this very plain one looks so unassuming ... until you open the doors.

This one was by far my favourite food cupboard, the best proper pantry cupboard that I have ever had.  All the food in one place and empty jars ready for filling were kept in there as well.  I did a lot of shopping from Approved Foods in the years I had this cupboard which was in our little 1930's bungalow in Berkshire.

As this alternative photo of it shows!

Gosh, I have so many photos of this particular food cupboard with it's many layouts of food ... I could bore you for hours!!

Some cupboards were smaller, but almost as well stocked.

 Some were smaller and held less, this was when the freezers were more in use, and usually filled with home preserved goodies from the land outside the house.

Sometimes a cupboard would be sparse, in this case I was doing the Live Below the Line Challenge, living off £5 for five days and raising money for charity.

I could go on and on, but I won't ... I fell down a time consuming rabbit hole of immense proportions when I typed the words 'food cupboard' into my old blog's search box and found all these photos.

Instead I'll share a couple of YouTubers who are doing Store Cupboard Challenges of their own for you to watch at your leisure.

On Little Mountain Ranch it's not so much of a challenge, but wow, what a larder. 😀

And someone with possibly the lowest stock of food in her cupboards is Rebecca, over at Rationbook Rebecca.  She lives on wartime rations off and on and has a lovely channel.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Sue xx


  1. That has made me chuckle - not only to see your old pantry photos (most, if not all, I remember from past blogs) but to see how similar yours and my food stocks often are.

    Have a lovely weekend yourself 🙂.

    1. Gosh I had a good time looking through all the variations of my food cupboards ... I know sad, and food obsessed!!

  2. “My name is Country Cook and I’m addicted to looking at peoples food cupboards”……there must be a name for store cupboards peepers?
    I’m loving your pics 😃 thanks - you have given me the push I need to go and sort mine out this morning, it could take some time…..

    1. Whatever the name is I'm one of them for sure. :-)

      Have fun sorting yours out, do you blog or vlog?

    2. I don’t blog, but I did have fun clearing out cupboard - and I found a whole pack of frangipani mince pies - still in date - I have a week to eat them…….. you managed to struggle through the mince pies you found so I will just “have” to do the same 😂 …… thank you for your inspiration

    3. Haha ... I'm glad you found and 'rescued' them in time. It's worth having a sort out isn't it. ;-)

  3. Love the cupboards. We are in the caravan at the moment with a relatively small food cupboard so we only brought with us and bought what we needed for the week we are here (I made a menu plan) and even then we have managed to end up with a tin of lentils and mushroom soup spare together with 2 sticks of celery and a lot of potatoes as we bought a bag and have not used many. Our last meal looks like it will be baked potatoes with cheese and I might have to buy a tin of baked beans or an onion or leek to do something with the lentils and celery. It is quite different to home where I have a well stocked pantry but in some ways refeshing to buy food and use it all up before buying another lot for the week ahead. It does mean though that you have to stick to the plan as it would be hard to deviate. I would quite like to try this system at home though.

    1. When I lived in my caravan I only had a small food cupboard ... and then I realised that I could also use the spare bedroom wardrobe's top shelf, it held a lot!!

  4. These are great pics - my husband loves a tidy well stocked pantry cupboard, if I wanted to annoy him ( as if I would!) I would just go and switch a few cans and jars around!!!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I have so many photos of my food cupboards, sometimes I look back and wonder why I used to eat certain things, and am astonished at how my tastes have changed.

  5. I used to have pantry envy until I repurposed the coat closet in my hallway to a my very own mobile version. It has to be mobile as the cupboard houses a trapdoor for under-house egress. So I bought black shelving on wheels and it’s just the ticket! The previous pantry was between the garage and the hallway so that’s now my mud room - there, I fixed my home’s major design flaws!

    1. That sounds like a brilliant idea, it's doing little changes like this to a home that make it much more workable isn't it.

  6. Interesting to see your food storage. You always seem to make the best use of what you have.

    God bless.

    1. I do my best to store, and use things, carefully.

  7. Very inspirational, as always!

  8. I love looking in your (and other people's) food cupboards! I find them fascinating and inspirational :)
    Thank you for the u tube links, Sue, I'll check them out ;)

    1. Food cupboards and bookcases are my weakness ... have you noticed!!

  9. A well stocked food cupboard is a work of (edible) art! Mine is stocked all rigbt, but a right mess too. Needs organizing...again.

    1. I've never thought of it that way, but you are so right. Maybe that's way I always front face my labels and like my food cupboards so neat and tidy. It's my own art ... I am bloody useless at virtually every other sort of art!!

  10. I'm continually in awe of your well stocked (and beautifully organised) cupboards! Anyone breaking into our house would assume we were impoverished students with our mountain of chilli instant noodles and out of date pasta! xxx

    1. Instant noodles and pasta are brilliant, I doubt they'll last long in my cupboard. It's going to be interesting to see what gets left to be eaten last!!


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