Wednesday 29 August 2018


I find myself more comfortable these days

More comfortable in my own body

In my own skin

In my own worth

I find I forget to look in the mirror

Forget to comb my hair

It's mostly just me here

The dogs

The chickens

And the cat

Are as happy with me as I am 

As they are with their little furry feathery tufty little selves

But when I found myself in Asda 

And realised I was still wearing the same jeans I wore to clean out the hen house an hour earlier

Did I panic and vow never to do it again

Nah ... I quickly realised that no-one else knew

Exactly what it was I was up to an hour ago anyway

The green paint on the knees

Well it could be a new fashion statement

Maybe I should have brushed my hair though ....


Tuesday 28 August 2018

Doing it Alone

I used to worry about going solo

Striding out to places only I wanted to see

Going to the cinema to see a film

Only I wanted to see

Drinking coffee in a coffee shop alone

Sitting on the prom with a portion of chips

With not even a dog for company

Not any more

Tell yourself you're people watching

Tell yourself it's an experiment

Tell yourself anything

Just strike out 

With confidence

Be comfortable in your own skin

In who you are

And who you want to be

In the places you go

And the places you see

Just be you

You will be brilliant at it


Monday 27 August 2018

Ethel and the Chickens

Sweet and romantic

I just love 

Seeing Ethel and the chickens

They do like living together

Although she eats a lot more corn per mouthful than they do


Saturday 25 August 2018

It's all about the food ...

At the moment

It is all about the food

The growing

The prepping

The preserving

And the eating


Thursday 23 August 2018

Simple Things

Just that

All of that

And walks by the canal 

With the people I love


Tuesday 21 August 2018

Firmly planted in August

It's good to be home 

For a while

Planning the next escape

Whilst catching falling apples

And feeding corn to chickens

Autumn is in the air


My favourite time of the year

In my head I'm strolling in to September 

Whilst my feet are still firmly planted in August


Friday 17 August 2018

Jump Ship

There is no shame

In jumping ship

In slowing down the merry go round of life

While you hop off for a while 

To take some time to smell the roses

Read the book

Curl up in a cosy bed

And close out the world

No shame in not answering the questions

Solving the problems

Or being there for everyone elses

Real or imaginary dramas

Sometimes you need to be somewhere else

In your special happy place

Or inside your own head

Simply doing your best

For yourself


Thursday 16 August 2018

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Tired Souls

I need nature

I need magic

I need adventure

I need truth

I need stillness

These are the things that keep me grounded

Give me purpose

Set my soul at rest


I do actually also need more sleep

... as well as the yoga


Monday 13 August 2018

Mud Pies?

I was never a girly girl

Jeans and sneakers have been my life



Mud pies

And imagination

Filled my childhood with wonder

As an adult

Things didn't change that much

Moving on and starting afresh 

Were and are my adventures

My van is my oh so grown up den

The mud pies?

Well these days they are more chocolatey than mud

And yes ... I still have the wonder


I accidentally punctuated


Saturday 11 August 2018

Friday 10 August 2018

Find Your People

I think both my sons 

Have finally found their 'people'

They've found the one

That is their other half

The Yin to their Yang

The one who will have their back

And expect nothing more than the same from them

It's taken a while

But boy oh boy

Was it worth waiting for


Thursday 9 August 2018

My Busy


I pull back from being there for everyone else

And take time

To be there for myself

It keeps me busy

I like my busy


Wednesday 8 August 2018