Thursday, 29 September 2022
Scrumping Bags
Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Victory Garden, Sorting Out the Cupboards and Thank You
Monday, 26 September 2022
Retro Pots, Winter Woollies and a Sad Accident
Friday, 23 September 2022
Join the Queue Please ....

Wednesday, 21 September 2022
So, What Makes a Good Blog Post?
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
So, What Did My Gousto Box Teach Me
So, what did my Gousto box teach me?
It taught me that I much prefer simply cooked and simple tasting meals, and it taught me that I prefer a little dash of mustard in my cheese sauce, and that I love sticky onions.
Was my £15 spend worth it, oh yes.
It made me think and it made me want to let go of so many of the bad food habits that I've been slipping into just recently. Now is the time to head back to simplicity and my new Wartime Rationing Challenge ... and what a perfect and at times tasty way to find out. So, for £15 it was worth it, would it have been worth the full price of £42 ... NO!!
Our evening meal on Sunday eaten in front of the television watching an episode of McDonald and Dodds was the Classic Plant Based Cheezeburger with Sticky Onions. It was supposed to be served with a side of chips, but we both decided that would be too much.
Monday, 19 September 2022
Saturday, 17 September 2022
Something Different for the Weekend - Gousto Unboxing Video
First I had to choose when to have my box delivered, obviously we were going away on holiday so that week was out, then last week I was running down the fridge, freezer and cupboards a bit ready for my wartime rationing challenge to kick off (away with you temptation) and then I realised looking into my now nearly empty fridge what a perfect way to end my modern eating and move on to austerity and simple food. So, I chose my five meals paid the first payment and placed the order and sat back and waited for my box.
My box should have cost me £42.99 plus delivery cost, but as a first order and with the offer of free postage and packing it came to just a smidge over £15. Not bad I thought, five meals for two people for that amount. I was happy.
And here without fanfare or any to do of any description is my very amateur unboxing of my first Gousto box. Spot the two very un-deliberate mistakes if you can. 😄
No sooner was the box unpacked than we decided to have one of the meals for our tea. Alan was not keen to try the Tofu Fish and Chips, so we decided on the Baked Butternut Squash Biryani with Cultured Coconut.
They were really easy to follow, even for someone likes me that doesn't seem to be able to follow a recipe without going back over and over reading through things. I am much more of a chuck things in the pan and see what happens type of cook. Anyway, I loved the way this was all set out, easy to follow and absolutely step by step, even down to 'put the kettle on'.
I made the meal in just over the time the recipe card said it should take and as we both are not keen on chillies; I heeded the warning to go easy on them if this was the case. Instead of the whole chilli I just chopped up about a third of it to sprinkle on the finished dish
In our rush to try out the meal I totally forgot to take a photo. So here is the finished dish as it looks on the Gousto website. If you imagine this halved and placed artistically onto two white bowls with a dollop of yoghurt each and much less of the chillies and coriander (neither of us are fans of coriander) that is what we had.
Verdict - very tasty.
But the chillies even in their much-reduced amount were far too hot for both of us, it was pretty filling and something I really loved was the very minimal washing up. Just the one pan that it was cooked in, a chopping board, knife, two bowls and two forks ... oh and the free wooden spoon that I got in my box.
Now all we have to do is to choose the next meal out of the four that are left.
Sue xx
Thursday, 15 September 2022
Alan Hits the Heights
Tuesday, 13 September 2022
In Safe Hands, Sulking and Books
In other news ... I have to hold my hands up and say that while we were away on our travels two more books arrived for me. These look really interesting ... now I just have to get around to reading all my new acquisitions.
If I ever go on Mastermind my specialist subject could be Rationing During the War Years. 😄
Sue xx
Monday, 12 September 2022
A Holiday We'll Never Forget
They say when you hear of a death or something equally shocking you will always remember exactly where you were and what you were doing.
I was wallpapering my shop walls when I heard on the radio that Diana, Princess of Wales had died, I was sorting through a delivery in the upstairs stockroom of the Scope charity shop when the Twin Towers went down ... and when the news broke that our beloved Queen had died we were sat waiting for our evening meal to be brought to the table before going into the show lounge to watch ' A Tribute to Queen' ... the group not her Majesty.
Of course, the show was cancelled, and all entertainment stopped for the evening. The staff all changed into black dresses and suits and the huge screens all over the hotel showed the news until the last guest departed for their rooms. We sat quietly drinking our wine, both deep in thought at times and reminiscing at others.
Such a sad end to what was a lovely holiday.
We went out to an Antiques Centre one day and Alan enjoyed a cream scone, oh he does enjoy a good cream scone. 😄
I decided on something more tangible than a cake, although I did enjoy a coffee while he chomped away. I bought this lovely butter knife and three 1930's Solian-ware Soho Pottery plates as my treat for the day.
The rest of my holiday 'souvenirs'.
Half used toiletries, excess sachets and napkins ... and an apple and a banana that we took one day for a snack and never got around to eating. The VIP cards and the stars were left on our table each night to show that we had the VIP package and get us a drink of our choosing from the bar free of charge. On the last night with the sad news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II we drank our bottle of wine to toast her life but decided that any extra drink would just be too much. Instead, they are souvenirs of a lovely holiday ... but one that will always be tinged with loss.
Thursday, 8 September 2022
Fessing Up ...