Monday 1 October 2018

Roaring Inside

So many feeling the same way

So many ticking over

Tick tock  tick tock



  1. I am actually about to explode! I am so sick of other peoples problems becoming a problem for me. I bend over backwards and get kicked in the guts for it. Your post has really struck a chord with me today...

  2. This is so me today thank you for sharing, I am making a very slow recovery from a particualry difficult health problem, although I always thought I was a very strong person, this one is proving the biggest challenge of my life. I'm sure we all encounter problems from time to time that we do not wish to share outwardly but non the less make each day particularly difficult. As they say always be kind to others as you do not know what they may be going through. Have read and loved all your blogs over the years and are pleased you once again have a presence in blog land that now suits you, I found you this time through the wonderful musings of Going Gently where kindness has been on display for a while now. It restores your faith in human nature to read it though!


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