Tuesday 1 January 2019

My Word for 2019


It seems that this year

On social media at least

Everyone is choosing a word

A word to sum up their aims for the coming

Fresh New Year

I had no idea what mine would be

I wasn't even thinking about it

Then suddenly I knew

The way you know the name of a new puppy or kitten

My word is


Happy New Year



  1. It's a good word, Sue. Happy new year to you.

  2. A happy and simpler New Year to you and yours, Sue.

  3. Wishing you a healthy and peaceful year and thank you for another year of blogging. Simple and peaceful would be my words. Life can often feel too frantic, fast and cluttered! xx

  4. A good word.
    Mine is de-stressing.
    If I could do that life would be much better.
    It would lead me to a simplification of my life, my mind in particular would benefit.

  5. I think you have been simplifying for quite a while Sue. I think mine should be healthy as we have both had one hell of a year in that department. Happy New Year.

  6. Mine is going to be CONTENTMENT - and I hope to learn to be content with what I have now and how I live now rather than wanting "more" just for he sake of "more".

  7. I think mine will be 'persevere' as my husband was just diagnosed with a blood cancer,MDS high risk, and it will take a lot to get thru this year.


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