Monday 30 July 2018

Just a Bunch of Weirdos

I like to speak my mind

I like people to be honest with me

I'm sick of pussy footing around

Of he said she said

Of don't tell, don't let it out

Say what you mean

And mean what you say

And it seems Dr Seuss agrees



  1. Funnily enough I was reading quotes from Dr Seuss yesterday, some of them from his books and I made a note of some. This is my absolute favourite - You have BRAINS in your HEAD, You have FEET in your SHOES, You can STEER yourself any DIRECTION you CHOOSE. You're on your own and you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.

  2. I love this Dr. Seuss quote, such a wise character! Advice that's available in children's book form and is free at libraries. My kind of advice! Meg

  3. I've been speaking my mind and saying how I feel recently, on my blog, and it appears to have upset a few people. And that in turn upset me, at a time when I'm already feeling crap. But it's how I feel, and if others don't like how I feel - well, that's their problem, I guess.


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