Monday 16 April 2018

Less Stuff

When you have less stuff

You need less room to take it with you

Where ever you decide to  go

So even in a small car

You have the space to take the things you love

To start a whole new chapter in your life

And even fit yourselves in too

So true

Less stuff = Freedom



  1. When my husband lost his job last year, he lost the large company car which was an estate because we had large dogs. We had to rely on my son's tiny car, fortunately a hatchback, for several months. We folded one rear seat down so the dogs could fit in the boot, one adult in the back and two in the front. No problem. Even managed to fit in a picnic and shopping when needed.

  2. As long as I can fit in the lawn mower to take to the allotment, I'm happy! :-)
    J x

  3. "It is desirable that a man in all respects so compactly and preparedly that, if an enemy take the town, he can walk out the gate empty handed without anxiety".
    (For me this is a work in progress - but I love this Thoreau quote).
    Have just read L'art de la Simplicite by Dominique Loreau. Bought in The Works for pennies - a very good read.

    1. I watched a Thoreau house video and thought that I could definitely do that style of house; so simple and refreshing. I love your quote.

    2. It was the house in Thoreauvian Simple Living on YouTube that I loved. Those chairs and bookcase!!! Beautiful and so clean and simple. Not too keen on the bedroom up in the loft area though. I think I would find that a bit claustrophobic.


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