Tuesday 23 August 2022

Emptying the Fridge, Eating the Pies and Filling the Pasta Basket

I'm trying to make full use of all the foods that I have in the fridge and freezer at the moment and not going shopping.  I did well the other day chopping up all the peppers, onions and tomatoes that were on their last legs in the fridge by the time we got back from our little mid-week break.  Using a little bit of each to make a quick lunchtime salad, and drizzling the rest with some olive oil and a sprinkle of mixed herbs to go in the oven while I was cooking a pie from the freezer for my lunch.

I wouldn't dream of putting the oven on for just a pie anymore, but it was borderline acceptable to have two things cooking at the same time.

It was a good lunch.  The pie was one of the Dahl Pies that I got from the Artisan Market at Glasson Dock a couple of weekends ago and posted about HERE and it was very tasty.

Then this morning I had to go out to get the dogs some chicken, Suky has had to eat chicken with her usual dried dog food since she had an upset stomach the other week, so it seemed only fair that Mavis and Ginger got some too ... now they are all addicted and we are too soft to stop buying it!!

Well anyway ... that went off on a waffle didn't it ... I took my little four item shopping list with me.  Good girl I'm all prepared I thought to myself, I'll be back in ten minutes.  One hour and two full shopping bags later I was home ... with food that I didn't really need, but some of which might prove useful if wheat prices really do shoot up as they are predicted to.

I went to put the newly bought Fusilli and Spaghetti in the pasta basket in the bottom cupboard and found that I already had ...

... rather a lot of pasta in one form or another!!

The new purchases are the ones stood in the basket bought from Aldi because it's very rare that our Aldi has any wholewheat pasta of any kind, so when I saw it I pounced.  All the rest were already in my cupboard, and I honestly did not realise that I had so much.

I refilled the basket, and then after taking this photo I ended up tipping it all out again and sorting it back into the basket in date order, with the longest dates at the bottom and the out of date stuff at the top.  So I will be working my way through it over the course of the coming Winter, and it will be very interesting to see how long it lasts. 😄

I put the basket back into the cupboard and then I remembered the jars on the shelves ... so I have even more.  It's a good job I am an absolute pasta addict.  😎

Sue xx


  1. I would have been the same but now have a spreadsheet for my storage cupboard. Should stand you in good stead.

  2. Love roasted veggies and thanks for the reminder that I do not cook a dish like that nearly often enough.

    If it is any consolation, whilst I do not have as much pasta in the store cupboard as you I do keep more than a couple of packets on standby. I like a particular Taglietelle which is often out of stock, so when Aldi do have it I tend to buy more than one 😉

  3. Filling the oven to make use of the heat is becomming yet another added skill when meal planning. I cannot imagine what some people's bills are going to look like if an effort isn't made to co-ordinate and plan more and I feel sorry for the working mum's who are time pressed anyway - at least I can find some time to plan better but it can still seem like a bit of a chore at times when all you want is to get a quick meal on the table. Good luck with that pasta mountain!

  4. Pasta is great to have in store. There's so, so many things you can use it for. I tend to go for the wholewheat stuff too but have some white as well, for the times when I fancy it! Spoilt? Moi??

  5. Now we know who to blame if ever there is a pasta shortage!!
    I had been buying a packet of the cheapest Penne everytime I went to Aldi until I discovered that I accumulated 4 packs - so thank goodness it lasts forever.

  6. We have plenty of pasta in the store cupboard at the moment too but as my dear old mum would have said " it doesn't eat or drink
    anything " and always seems to have a long date.
    I've put one of my dogs on home cooked food and it really has made a difference to her skin condition - some of what I make for her , in addition to chicken, is chopped up veg cooked n a little coconut oil with turmeric, thyme and basil - I often eat a few spoons of it myself as it tastes so good and OH says that dog eats better than us!
    Alison in Wales x

  7. I roasted veggies on Sunday for fajitas. They were so delicious! That's a lot of pasta. You will get a lot of good meals out of that pile!

  8. I could exist on pasta! So many different ways to serve it.

  9. Wow that's a LOT of pasta, it should last you quite a while. It's best to be prepared because pasta was one of the shortages during lockdown, wasn't it !


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