Tuesday 9 March 2021

Still in Two Minds

 Carl Vilhelm Holsoe - Interior Light of Spring

I love this image.  

The lacy drapes at the windows, the pot plants on the windowsill, books and blousy roses in a vase on the old table.  I can imagine myself at the window drinking in the view of the gorgeous Spring flower filled garden.  Wafting around in my lightweight 'posh frock' and sipping my coffee out of a delicate bone china  cup.

Sadly at the moment this is more me, slumped in my chair ... just change the little black cat to a Pug  πŸ˜€

Sue xx


  1. The top picture is beautiful. The bottom picture depicts me with a little Shih Tzu begging for just one more piece of kibble.

    1. It really is isn't it. I love Shih Tzu's my auntie had one called Kim when I was little, he was such a little character.

  2. I don't seem to muster much enthusiasm for anything right now. You'll have your new home shortly and all the excitement that brings.

    1. I find enthusiasm comes in short bursts, I just make the most of it whenever it appears 🀣🀣

  3. It's tricky to get the right feel of a place. I think its partly the amount of choice we now have. I have to admit I'm like you with loving lots of different 'styles'. The house itself will dictate a bit I think, but you'll get it all looking wonderful in no time. Jean

    1. I'm in no rush, I have my flat for as long as I need it. πŸ˜€

  4. Each day I motivate myself to read blogs! After that I sort of drift through the rest of the day?!

    1. Haha, sounds just like me. I have to say, I'm really enjoying this lockdown πŸ˜€

  5. I reckon you deserve to have a bit of a slump in a chair. I think I might even join you! 😁

    1. Oh a good slump is great, especially if it is opposite the TV watching some of my favourite YouTube channels πŸ˜€

  6. Replies
    1. I think we are just all waiting for Spring and it's hopefully sunny days to brighten our moods and lift our spirits properly. Even lockdown in the sunshine is preferable to the last few months.

  7. Sue, feeling 'Blaa' is a pretty normal reaction to the combination of Covid and change you're living through, so cut yourself a bit of slack, for goodness sake. AND, try to do something really special for yourself, every day - whether it's a little square of chocolate to go with your coffee, or letting yourself just sit and enjoy a view on your walk. Hang in there. Only a couple more weeks and you'll be motivated again. Thinking warm thoughts for you Hugs

    1. Don't worry, I'm not feeling even slightly 'blaa', in fact I'm feeling great. All my plans are coming to fruition, this is just a bit of a jokey follow on to yesterday's post ... and a chance for me to use one of my favourite pictures and favourite memes.

  8. You can have it all, for sure. Each room having an aesthetic to meet your needs and expectations. I love the photo too. Windows views of the garden are always wonderful.

    1. I'll be doing my best, although as each room leads through from the last there will have to be some continuity ... most likely my favourite shade of green as a starting point.


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