Saturday 1 May 2021

Live a Little Bit More


I love that my life has been full of chapters.  Full of different houses, different towns and different people.  I take few people with me when I move forward, but there are some that stay ... along with the memories and experiences.

Each fresh start opens new doors and new possibilities and gives me more strength as I work to figure out just who the person is that I am now.  Each new version of me has more layers, more depths to discover and more understanding by me of the old me.

Some people relish a life with static things, staying in the same places and being surrounded by the same people ... gosh the world would be a much more boring place if we all felt the same way and did the same thing wouldn't it ... and I am the last one to criticise anyone who is happy with a quiet static life, but I don't understand the ones that want a different life and do nothing to work towards it.  I just can't get my head around it at all.  Why would you stay in a job you hate, to fund a future you might not live to see, in a place you don't like, it is my idea of a life wasted.

It's not a dress rehearsal, it's our one chance of life, and it is oh so precious.

Sometimes you have to take the bull by horns, grasp at little openings and throw caution to the wind ... and just try to live a little bit more.


  1. Brilliant, Sue, thank you for this xx

  2. My life is pretty static really but I am happy and there's plenty of variation, even so.

    I love 'This is just a chapter'. How true.

  3. I like the idea of life being a series of chapters. I have had many different experiences and lived in many places during my lifetime. Conversely, my dear dad has lived in the same village all his life but has always been very content with his lot.

  4. Excellent post Sue and so very true - Life is not a rehearsal. I think you have just got to find what makes you happy. I am definitely on the static side of things and don't do change well. Nevertheless if that what makes me feel safe and comfortable, that's fine by me. Good luck on your next chapter. Looking forward to following your adventures by the canal.

  5. Great post and one that I will take away and ponder. thank you.

  6. In the end, it is our own responsibility to make a life that makes sense to ourselves. Right now, I don't know that I am at that point in my own life. I feel that my responsibilities to everyone/everything else have taken over importance to my responsibility to my own self.

  7. Sounds just like me and how I feel. xx

  8. Nicely put. Food for thought.

  9. Now I'm wondering if I should have been more adventurous rather than moving 4 miles from where I was and still in the area I've lived for most of my life!! Sounds boring when said like that.

    1. But if it's also an area you've LOVED most of your life you've made a wise decision ... and it's not boring at all. xx

  10. True.
    Isn't there a phrase in an essay or poem that mentions people who are "living lives of quiet desperation"? My beloved dad did that. I promised myself that I wouldn't. And I haven't.
    Love your blog, Sue.

    1. Yes, there's a quote from Thoreau that is often reported as “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and die with their song still inside them,” , but when I Googled it to get it right there is a piece that says that some say it is a mis-quote from a line in Walden that simply said 'the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation'.

      Either one makes you think though don't they. I think my brother lives this kind of life unfortunately.

  11. I do wish I was a bit braver at times and now, at the age of 71, perhaps it's a bit late to be adventurous. I admit to not liking change very much and I'm not someone who likes to travel either. How boring I am!
    Great Post, Sue x

    1. Not boring at all, how many bloggers are 71 and still making people smile with their antics ... and be jealous over their new hairdo!!

    2. Aw, thank you,you know how to cheer me up don't you Sue ☺

  12. Sometimes situations cause upheaval and the usual response is "why me ?" But I was once told 'what if it happened for you, not to you" .....a chance to look at opportunities now possible and change your life positively.
    Great advice that changed my outlook. Life is most definitely not a rehearsal, grab it with both hands 😄

  13. Some chapters are better than others aren't they? Glad that you're sharing your next one x x x

  14. Many layers and many chapters is the spice of life.

  15. I have just read through some of your old posts, and LOVE this one. Yes, I'm reminding my self to be braver and do things differently; but also clinging to the quote in a post above 'Breathe darling, this is just a chapter, not your whole story'.
    Love the look of you new kitchen, by the way! You obviously have good taste, mine is all wood, too! Natural, calming, timeless and classic.


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