Tuesday 19 April 2022

A Special Day ... and a Secret Spills Out


It's my birthday, and I'm happy to say that I am 62 years old today.  

Some don't have the good fortune of making it this far and those that do should shout it from the roof tops.  True this has not been a good year for me.  I've literally spent the whole year since the last time a year was crossed off my calendar of life, trying to get over the broken bones and trapped nerves in my back, but I made it through to see another birthday and for that I am truly grateful.

The day started well, Alan had ordered sunshine and warmth and it was lovely to sit on the patio with him and the furries opening my cards and enjoying my flowers and the first coffee of the day.

Yes we were all out enjoying the sunshine.  

Mavis looks a little bit like she's been plonked down, but that is the way she sits when she's waiting for something.  This time she was waiting for a walk, which she got twenty minutes after these photos were taken.  She and Alan set off walking and after ten minutes arranging my flowers in a jug, me and Suky jumped into the car and drove to meet them at the park.  Where we all enjoyed 'bench hopping' ... moving from bench to bench with a slow walk between each ... enjoying the scent of the blossom in the air and the bird song in the quiet park.  Then we all got into the car for the three minute drive home, which Mavis thought was a perfect way to get home quicker than usual for the post-walk dog treat.

And a birthday surprise from me  to you.

 I shared this photo on my Facebook page so the secret is out anyway.  Yes we really are Lord and Lady Hall, each in our own right and not just through marriage.  There ... and you thought you knew almost everything about me.  😄

Edited to add these ... birthday flowers that have just been delivered from Simon, Emma and my grandsons.

Sue xx


  1. REALLY!!!! Post and everything? < grin >

    Happy, happy birthday, Sue. Have a wonderful time all day, not just the afternoon tea. The flowers are simply gorgeous.

    1. Yes, really ... but I use Mrs for day to day life. Comes in handy for booking tables and holidays though ;-)

  2. Happy Birthday your Ladyship, (Curtsy), have a lovely day. You are so right about the age thing. when I turned 60 I celebrated by having pink highlights in my hair (now 66), when I am 70 I plan to have a tattoo of a bumble bee on my bottom so if I end up in a nursing home when they plonk me on a commode it will make them smile,(I hope I don't though but it will make me smile knowing it's there :)

    1. No need to curtsy you never have up to now ... haha!

      I dyed my hair again the other day, I just got so sick of being my natural dark brown it was making me feel dowdy, so now I am a rather startling gingery blonde.

  3. Many happy returns ole thing. Everything is looking rather splendid. xx

    1. Oh gawd ... I should have kept quiet, you're all going to go proper posh on me aren't you .... haha.

  4. Happy 62nd, Ma'am (or however one addresses a Lady!). Age is just a number, I don't think I'm a typical 62 y.o. (whatever one of those is), other than my aching joints and ligaments reminding me that I am. The flowers are beautiful. Enjoy your Afternoon Tea. xx

    1. Thank you so much ... you can call me Sue ;-)

      Yes, it's just the painful things that remind us how old we actually are isn't it, well them and the strange person in the mirror!!

  5. WHere the h did all the 'a's go?

    1. What 'a's?

      You have me puzzled ... easily done!!

    2. It was the oddest thing, Sue. When I came to this page and was reading the comments, all the a's were missing in the comments. I never saw anything like that in my life. It was just the comments. I posted mine to see if the a would be there. When I came back later to see if you'd approved them, the comments were not dis-em-voweled.

    3. Oooh ... spooky!!

      I wonder what happened there then.

  6. PS Happy birthday, your highness!

    1. Haha ... I don't think I qualify for that!

  7. What lovely flowers m'Lady. Belated Happy Birthday. It sounds like you had a lovely day and Alan got the weather spot on and your walk was a lot more leisurely than the one I had yesterday!

    1. Not belated at all, today IS my birthday :-)

      You got a lot of steps in though ... I am jealous.

  8. Well, my Lady, if I weren't sporting a rather large leg brace I'd drop you a proper curtsy to celebrate your birthday. However, I'd likely end up on the floor so will have to skip it this year. Just shy of a decade older than you and agree that each year is worth celebrating. :) Hope afternoon tea was lovely.

    1. And if I tried to pick you up I would end up stuck down there with you, so lets not bother with that then eh!! :-)

      The afternoon tea was wonderful, I am absolutely stuffed. :-)

  9. Very Happy Birthday to you, your Ladyship. I'm also curtsying and doffing my cap!

    1. Thank you :-)

      If you don't tug at that forelock as well I will have your head removed!!

  10. Happy Birthday, my Lady! (curtsy) I googled to see how I should properly address you and it told me that I need more info of your noble background! So why are you a Lady?
    I am 10 years older than you so I do not consider you old at all. Hope your next year will be better health-wise and you get some relief from your back pain.

    1. I have no noble background other than owning land in Scotland which gives me the title of Lady. Alan is officially a Laird but that translates in England to Lord and stops us having to explain over and over.

      You can address me as Sue and I will be very happy.

  11. A very happy birthday to you, my Lady (who would have guessed?) :) I hope you really enjoyed your afternoon tea, Sue, and your flowers are gorgeous.
    Enjoy the rest of your special day too x

    1. Thank you, not many people guess for sure. The tea, flowers and indeed the whole day have been fantastic.

  12. Happy Birthday, Lady Sue! I hop you enjoy your vegan tea and that this year will be a happy and much healthier one. xxx

    1. Thank you, few call me Lady Sue, it's either Sue or Lady Hall usually. The vegan tea was delicious and oh so filling.

  13. Happy birthday and wishes for a good year ahead. The flowers are beautiful and it is nice to see your animal friends enjoying the sun!

    1. Thank you :-)

      The animals do love the early morning sit outs on the patio, and of course there's always the chance of a bit of Dad's toast. The sun hits just the right spot to warm that corner for us to sit out nice and early and then it cools off nicely for the evening.

  14. Happy Birthday, hope you had a lovely day.

    1. Thank you, it's been great up to now. :-)

  15. Happy Birthday. I am 62 next month and now remember how close our birthdays are. Lovely flowers and enjoy your evening x

    1. It would seem that SO many of us are of a very similar age. It explains why so many of you like my mad ramblings, we are on the same wavelength and understand all the OLD references ;-)

  16. Happy Birthday Young Lady! It sounds like you've had a wonderful day. You know I've always been upfront with my age (69) because I feel like I've worked hard and earned every year of it as well as every gray hair and wrinkle! It looks so nice and sunny on your patio. I'm so glad when Alan orders sunshine it obeys! Enjoy a wonderful and healthy new year!

    1. Thank you so much. It was a very good day. xx

  17. Happy, happy birthday to you! A milestone indeed. Here's to a year of good health and strength for you. And dear me, a Lord and Lady. I never thought I'd ever know such a one. How very cool. Esp since you are such down to earth people.

    1. Thank you, every year is a good milestone now isn't it. A Mancunian Lady who'd have thunk it ;-)

  18. Congratulations - both on your birthday and your great attitude to whatever life throws at you!

    1. Thank you, when life chucks you lemons ... chuck them right back and all that ;-)

  19. Replies
    1. Thank you, so much Jackie and for all your support. xx

  20. Happy birthday, Lady Hall! I am so touched by your positivity despite your tough year.

    With love from,
    Kelly (Mrs. Kiwi)

  21. Happy belated birthday, sorry I missed it your Lady. Please forgive me. Seriously it looked like a perfect day. X


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