Tuesday 25 June 2019

Searching for Simplicity

I've just started reading a new book.  

I don't remember buying this one, but it was on the shelves when I was sorting out for the car boot sale and it's simplicity caught my eye immediately.

It made me laugh when after a couple of pages the book started to minimise itself ... jettisoning pages with every page turn.  By the time I finish reading it I guess it will either be kept carefully or be in the recycling box as a little stack of paper rather than being a book I can sell on.

It had an immediate effect anyway, to the left of me as I was sat at the breakfast bar reading was our kitchen pen pot, rather too full of things that weren't actually pens for my liking.

So it was sorted through until I was happy with it's contents, things were either relocated or thrown away.

First little minimise done!!

Sue xx


  1. Are you selling your smallholding? I seem to have come late to the party and have been trying to work out how you have gone from being self sufficient to now deciding to spend most of your time in your caravan? I am not surprised as it is a lot of hard work to keep all those plates spinning. It is funny how as you age your dreams change and you realise that you no longer need very much to be happy and that you only trap yourself with possessions and having to find the money to upkeep everything. An old Eskimo saying comes to mind

    May you have warmth in your igloo, oil in your lamp, and peace in your heart

    1. My plates came crashing down at the start of last year with a realisation that things had altered in a way I was no longer comfortable with. Yes, in the near future we will be selling up and leaving our holding in Wales.

  2. A nice way to begin the day!

    1. Definitely, and it's led to a day of sorting out all sorts of things ... and I've only read half a dozen pages. What will I be like by the time I've finished the book!!

  3. From my library days I know that for some strange reason that sort of binding is called "perfect" - yet it's the cheapest and most likely to fall apart. Odd.

    1. It was annoying at first ... and then I saw the funny side of it. I guess it is'perfect' in this case ... a book on minimising actually cutting itself down to size :-)

  4. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this book:)

    1. I'll let you know when I finish. It is making a lot of sense and is a good read up to now.

  5. I think he's mentioned one towel up to now ... is that it? I can't imagine living with one ... I would be extravagant and buy another ;-)


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