Wednesday 12 June 2019

Something Good ...

Walking the riverbank with Suky was the only thing that kept me sane last week.  Losing myself in nature, birdsong, the smell of freshly mown grass after heavy rain showers.  Driving all the way to Manchester for a hug from my Mum, never under-estimate the power of a hug from your Mum.

Stopping to watch the river, high after heavy rains, thundering by and grabbing a photo to remind myself that just as the water rushes by, life does go on.  Something good has to come out of all this ...

At the end of last week I felt it was necessary to take a step back to reassess all that I am, we are, doing.  And all that came to mind was the need to carry on with the simplification of our lives.  To carry on with the jettisoning of all that is excess, all that is surplus to living a smaller and simpler life.

We don't need things.  

Things to dust, things to clean, things waiting to be read, queuing up in the back of your mind exerting their pressure whether you realise it or not.  Things that take your time and sap your energy with their needs.

We need time.

Time to live, time to breathe, time to relish moments and time to love those that love us.  Time to seek out those that want to know us, to share in our lives.  We need to take the time to learn to understand and to make sense of all that happens to us.  We need time to take a step back and see our lives from the outside, to see where changes, nips and tucks or expansions can be made.  

We need time to see where the step down from this mad, mad consumerist society that we are being pulled into is ... and if we are brave enough, time to take it.  To jump ship from all that we currently have and do and want.

If Bella's short, sweet and wonderful life taught me anything it is that you should take each day as it comes and live your life to the fullest.  Enjoy all the little moments, those moments full of blowing leaves to watch and chase, birdsong to listen to, water to splash in or jump over.  Say yes to adventures, always be willing to travel even if the destination is unknown.  Trust in the world, your world ... and those that share it with you.

Like the photo above I have to let something good and hopeful grow out of something sad, it's the only way.

Sue xx


  1. Fabulous post Sue, every word resonated with me. Bella will be remembered with love.

  2. I was so sorry to read your last post regarding Bella. She looked a beautiful little girl and I'm sure you are missing her terribly. Sometimes yes you just need that hug to make all in the world seem right even when it's not. Continue to remember what a lovely girl she was and know that her spirit will always be with you.


  3. Sending virtual hugs to you, not quite the same as a real one but hopefully better than nothing. x

  4. Much love and many virtual hugs to you. xxx

  5. Sending you, Suky and Mavis love and good thoughts today along with thanks for your heartfelt and true post.

  6. Catching up on your blog. So sorry to hear about little Bella!
    Lots of wisdom in today's post...

  7. Today's post gave me a lump in my throat again. I have been wondering how you were. You are right, life goes on and we have to live it the best way we can and look for the good.

  8. A good post
    There is only one thing to do in life - Just get on with it. I've found it's achievable.
    Agree with all your getting rid list except for the 'things waiting to be read', if I had nothing waiting to be read I would be Very Worried!

    1. Don't worry Sue, it's only the things 'waiting to be read' that no longer hold any interest to me that are going. It would seem their wait was in vain!!

  9. Life does continue, and something good will come from the bad. Bella helped you on your journey to simplifying your life and she will continue to do so.

    God bless.

  10. Well said Sue. Long distance hugs from me here in Yorkshire.

  11. Beautiful post. Sending love and hugs.

  12. I agree with Sue in Suffolk.
    Your other dogs will need extra reassurance at present and you must have a book waiting for times when you need a bit of an escape for a while.
    Constantly questioning your life and it's direction is vital but so is some relaxation and just spending time appreciating all that you have and just being.
    Bella and her effect on your lives is part of that.
    She enriched your lives with her love and “puppiness” and those memories can't be taken away.

    1. The other dogs are heartbroken. Suky has tired runny eyes and Mavis has a permanent worried look on her face. Today we are going to run along the prom in the rain and probably all get pneumonia, then curl up on the sofa in a fug of wet dog and soggy human. We'll chew on gravy bones, drink coffee and read a good book ... there are lots left to choose from.

  13. Wise words, Sue. We have to ride the storms, there is no other way. Stuff is just stuff. I have a friend here in the village who is the opposite to me. Stuff I can take it or leave it, I don't need much. Less stuff means I am more laid back, less to worry about. She however is on a mission to accumulate more, with the result that she is hyper. She never stops, talks at 90 miles and hour, I have a job to keep up with her. You thought I was busy, but she leaves me standing. In between my busyness I take time to daydream and do nothing. You are a strong person, you will survive.

  14. Here, here. Previous generations did not have so much 'stuff', they survived. A society, be it local or global, which does nothing but produce more, buy more, waste more, is neither healthy, happy or sustainable.

    Take care my dear, Bella may only have been with you a short while but her loss is no less profound or devastating, xx

  15. Oh Sue what a lovely heart felt post. I think we all need reminding to treasure the little simple things in life that perhaps we all take so much for granted. After hearing the sad news about Bella and just reading that John has lost George, I feel it has been such a sad time and although I don't know you or your animals personally, I can't help the tears falling. Sending lots of love.

    1. Me and John are in touch a lot, especially through this last few months. We take it in turns to be the rock and font of all wisdom or the one asking for help ... we've just had to switch positions much quicker this time. George was a wonderful old gent of a dog, he will be missed.

  16. Some things in life just aren't fair and no matter how much we try to explain things to ourselves, there just doesn't seem to be any good reason for crappy things happening, especially when they were so lovely, like little Bella, or brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. It sometimes just doesn't make any sense. It will be hurting a lot and will hurt for a time to come.

    I am reading a book I have been meaning to read for a very long time called 'Walden and Civil Disobedience' by Henry Thoreau. I think I mentioned to you a while ago about being inspired by Thoreau and his desire for simple living and shunning stuff and consumerism. Very enlightening given than it was written a very long time ago and his views on the world inspired a lot of thought. I wonder what on earth he would make of life now? Thoreau, after suffering some pretty heartbreaking experiences, removed himself from his surroundings and society and built a wooden cabin on the edge of a lake (Walden Pond) where he furnished it very simply and learned a lot about life and what mattered. He talks about people buying more and bigger and running up a life time of debts and trappings and commitments to earning more and more. This guy makes a lot of sense. I am really enjoying it and as I get older I increasingly want to get rid of even more stuff, live smaller and more simply and be less tied to material things.

    Take care Sue xx

  17. That precious little dog left a huge paw print on many hearts around the world. I am so terribly sorry for your heart wrenching loss. Sending many virtual hugs - but none nearly as powerful as those from your dear Mum.


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