Friday 21 June 2019

I should let you into a secret ...

... I did this last night.

Hang on, I hear you say ... you did this weeks ago!

No I did this weeks ago. 

Previously this area had looked this, then I wallpapered it ... then the wallpaper came loose at the edges, so I stuck it down.  Then one hot sunny day when Alan was sat at the table reading the paper and I was reading on the sofa, we heard a soft crack ... then a bit of a whoosh.   We looked at each other, then at the wall.  

The paper was, how shall I put it ... disengaging from the wall.  We were in stitches, it shouldn't have been funny, but it was 😂😃🤣

After much thinking about it, it was my eldest son Simon who suggested what could be the answer, PVA glue on the wall before pasting both the paper and the wall with ordinary wall paper paste.

So Wednesday night saw me getting sticky with PVA and then last night I rehung the wallpaper.  

It only took a couple of hours as obviously the paper was all cut to size with holes already made for the electric sockets and switches.

And now here we are back to this.

I could have just kept quiet ... but I couldn't I'm blogger through and through ... and an honest one at that.   😂😀🤣

Sue xx


  1. Probably to do with the texture of the material that the ‘walls’ are made off? Hope it stays put this time.

    1. If it doesn't I'll be getting out the staple gun 🤣

  2. I am impressed. I would have given up at the first go!

  3. That is so funny! It looks lovely though,

  4. Very impressed that you've done it on your “diet”.
    It's kind of you to share the problem because we now know what to do if it happens to us!

    1. If I'd had to measure and cut I couldn't possibly have done it, but luckily the strips all came off easily and in one piece and I just re-used them.

  5. Oh Sue, you have just made me snort my tea. Tony and I would have been in stitches too. It does look gorgeous now it's finished.

  6. Lovely story - let's hope it stays put this time.

  7. Good job getting it back. Things like that make me laugh too - I laugh at myself a lot! It is all a learning experience and you probably helped someone else by sharing. Have a good weekend!

  8. It looks great. I hope it stays up for you.

  9. So funny. It better stay up the time around.

    God bless.

  10. It does look so lovely, I'm not surprised you had another go! I agree - it's funny!

  11. Lol, I hope it stays on this time! It looks very nice


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