Wednesday 27 October 2021

Folded Tortillas


One of my favourite lunches or quick snacks at the moment is the Folded Tortilla hack that went viral a few months back on TikTok.  I resisted trying these at first as they seemed to be everywhere, then one day I just had bits and bobs in the fridge, nothing worthy of a good lunch on it's own and remembered that I had a pack of tortillas in the freezer so I decided I would give it a go.

It's been a revelation.

In my case while the wrap thawed out, I chopped my little piece of onion and two cherry tomatoes.

Then I made the slit from the centre of the circle to one edge and spread out a tablespoon of green pesto onto each tortilla.

This then gets folded over and your next ingredient goes on the next quarter, in my case it was the onion and tomato.  Then you fold again and add another ingredient, always trying to finish with your cheese or melty ingredient as this helps to stick the folded tortilla closed and make it a bit easier to eat.

The final stage is to fry in a little oil for about 4 or 5 minutes each side to make sure all the fillings are nicely warmed through.  It's a great way to use up bits and bobs and then can be made savoury or sweet.

Have you tried these yet?

Sue xx


  1. What a brilliant idea, Sue. Thanks, I'll be trying this (and it's something simple that husband could even do! With supervision...haha).

    1. Haha ... definite supervision required the first time 😀

  2. Looks good! How do you like Violife?

    1. I like all of them. The original block is good grated, I usually use this 'Mozerella' style on pizzas and pasta and the Greek style is great crumbled on pasta bakes or salads. The cream cheese is gorgeous with fresh tomatoes on a sandwich. 😃

  3. Hadn’t heard about them but we like cheese based tortillas.

    1. Give it a go then, it's a very tasty lunch or snack. 😀

  4. Yes, I have - really nice. I did it with an omelette too - not as 'sturdy' but a great way to plate up a cooked breakfast. xx

    1. There's a version of this where you cook an omelette then put a tortilla on top flip it all over then add your other already cooked breakfast ingredients into each quarter as you go.

  5. All good and tasty- but why do people insist on referring to things as "a life-changing hack"? I feel they must have led very dull lives beforehand. And the omelette version reduces the carbs

    1. I know!! I really dislike the the 'hack' and it's bandied about so often at the moment.

      As I don't eat eggs it's good that I do love the carbs 😃🤣

  6. I have been doing this sort of thing for a while, starting when I fancied a toasted sandwich and had no bread, we love them. I have never tried a sweet one, maybe apple,cinnamon and sultanas, might try that. I have also used a tortilla for making a pasty, that was good too, let's face it, I just love food!!! :)

    1. I have yet to try a sweet one ... but there's a tub of Violife chocolate spread in the fridge and I have some banana bits in the freezer so who knows what might develop later today :-)

  7. I'm not usually a lover of wraps but I'm liking this idea, cheers.

  8. That's a clever way to use up shells! Thanks for the tip and the pictures explain it so well!

  9. Wow, must have missed that hack. I love it and will probably do something like this for supper one day. Thanks,

    God bless.

  10. My sort of cooking, quick, easy and tasty:)


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