Thursday 5 May 2022

Don't Click on This if You're Easily Offended!!


I'm working my way through my books ... I may be sometime  ๐Ÿ˜


  1.'ve captured it all perfectly.

  2. Oh dear! I think the word is very Anglo Saxon and originally meant 'to hit'

  3. No offence. It's a popular word, been around for over 100 years.and meaning 'despicable behavior'.

  4. Perfect for the way I feel this morning! Crappery, Bollockery and Fucking Jokery. Hubs cancer op cancelled for tomorrow and rescheduled for ....wait for it.... 15th June. We have organised our lives around this. I have no words.

  5. Words that we considered "swear words" when I was a kid are commonly used in everyday speech these days! It doesn't bother me but I bet my Mom would have been furious! :)

  6. The way life has thrown crap at us for the last couple of years, it's hardly surprising our vocabularies have "expanded".... As if things weren't bad enough, two days ago I tripped on some flax while out walking... stitches in my head, a cast on my arm and many rude words said... repeatedly! And now over £375 for new lenses in my glasses... that'a not even including new frames, I'm reusing some old ones! Rude word... Rude word ... very rude word.


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