Tuesday 21 March 2023

Three Lots of Shopping ... and Hundreds of Missing Photos


Yet again Alan asked if I wanted to go shopping, and even though I didn't actually need anything except some hairspray ... I said yes.

At least I remembered to get the bloody hairspray!!

£36.78 spent.

50p spent

After spending the grand total of 50p for a days food the other day, my mind was wandering over what could be bought if you shopped for a week's worth of food in one trip with the same budget, and what meals you would make with what you bought.

So I went back to Sainsbury's the following day and did it.

This is what I came up with.

£3.47 spent.

The idea is that the weekly meal plan includes toast and marmalade for breakfast most days, and virtually all other meals consisting of something with potatoes and carrots and a smattering of onion.

It will be good to see how interesting I can make it with such limited supplies, although this time I have allowed myself a very basic store-cupboard, from my cupboard ... after all I am supposed to be eating my way through my food stash and streamlining my food supplies.

No wonder my head's in a whirl and I have accidentally moved all my photos from 2005-2010 to somewhere on my computer ... and I know not where!!

Sue xx


  1. This is going to be a tough one! I reckon £3.50 per day is OK if I am very careful. I've seen quite a few £1 per day meal plans but 50p is going to be hard. Good luck.

    1. For me yes, I think that £3.50 a day would be quite easy to do. On my Challenging Myself blog I did a 'For the Price of a Coffee' challenge a couple of years ago. For £2.75, the price of a filter coffee which is my preferred option if I call to a coffee shop, I had to buy my food for the day. Going out each day armed with a new £2.75 for food. It worked out pretty well and I had so much food left over that I rolled it forward to a new challenge to use it up.


      The £1 challenges that I have done many times have always needed a bit more thought, but were possible then, it would be interesting to see if it still is. But yes, 50p for a day will be very hard.

  2. Not much of a challenge..

  3. Still couldn't do that here. I am lucky if I can feed the two of us for about $7.00 a day..... Watching to see what meals you manage to fashion.

    God bless.

    1. I have done a couple now and it does need thinking about for sure.

  4. Very restricted eating`but you've done amazing things with the refugee challenge so I'm sure you'll come up with some good things. Finally, what were your results on the Fast 800 and your conclusions about it, please?

    1. Yes, funnily enough I was thinking about the Ration Challenge only the other day. The foods we had on that came to under £3.50 for the week, but we had very small supplies.

      I'm still doing the Fast 800 so no conclusions yet, but I can say it suits me just fine, although I have brought more carby foods back in so the weight loss has slowed down. Using the foods that I have bought for this Challenge still brings my calories in at just over 840 calories per day, so it is very doable to combine the two.

  5. Ooooh - another challenge. I love your frugal challenges. This one looks very interesting.
    Fingers crossed about those photos . . . xx

    1. I cannot find them anywhere, and I've searched and searched. One thing for sure they were not in the Recycle Bin, so they have to be somewhere!! When you have been blogging for 15 years and have so many years of photographs, plus work files it's such a lot to go through. I'll most likely find them quite by chance in a year or so in some really random place!

  6. This will have to be your toughest challenge yet. Wishing you well in this. Having followed the ration challenge I am sure there will be some really creative ideas.

    1. Yes, I was thinking about the Ration Challenge, I wish I could have afforded a bag of flour that would have made things a lot easier.

  7. Goodness, this is a tough one ! Good luck , it will be interesting to see how you do x

    1. It's very tough, but it gets the old brain cells working. :-)

  8. Golly, another tough challenge 😱 If you are allowing yourself some flavourings though it will be tasty because I know how inventive you are, Sue 👍
    Blimey... Good luck finding your photos🍀. I'm always losing stuff on the computer. Heaven knows where it all goes!

    1. Yes, I have given myself a good basic larder of things including flavourings, oil and coffee ... coffee will be VITAL. :-)

      The photos now seemingly live in a secret place known only to my laptop. Five years of photos hiding for posterity.

  9. Good luck with the challenge - by the end you might not want to see another potato or carrot! As for the photos if you accidentally do something then use the undo button immediately to bring them back. If it is too late for that use the whole computer search facility making sure you search the PC not just a folder. If you know the exact photo number of any one of the pictures or title if you have renamed any you took or could guess at one then you can put that number or title into the search facility for a more detailed search and if it brings up the location of that one you will then find the others in the same place. If you have the pictures anywhere else eg something you have copied into a word document you can right click on that picture to find the properties and that might give you the location. The same if you use or have installed a software browser to view your pictures it might bring up all your photos no matter where stored on the computer and again you can right click on this picture - go to properties and find the location. CC Cleaner might be helpful to find them if you have that installed it will find duplicates of photos on your PC. There are a host of ways but they are hard to explain in a comment box! Email me if you need more suggestions.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to type out all that ....

  10. PS you can probably find the exact number of one of your lost photos if you have used one on your blog by right clicking on the photo on your blog picture the putting that into the PC search - sometimes the computer will find a number easier to search than a folder.

    1. ... you are a bloody genius.

      I hadn't thought to use histories to find one of the photos and use it to track the others. I did, and found my photos from 2005-2010 happily languishing in my Happy Skin Course menu plan. Like you would expect!!

      Thank you so much Viv. xx

    2. Happy to help - when I was at work I used to run part of the solicitor's software and one day we had a situation where our computer network was held to ransom by a Russian hacker for money. Our IT guy didn't pay him but had to reset our computer system using the back up tapes but to avoid any implanted virus from the Russian we had to reset to 4 days prior to the ransom date and in effect we also lost 4 days of new clients files and I was asked to try and retrieve them because it was as if the new clients that had come into the office during those 4 days did not exist in the history as their newly opened files did not exist - but they did in the accounts side as we could not reset this to 4 days earlier or you would lose track of all the money paid in and out too!! Don't ask me how I did it and it took me a whole week but I retrieved all but 2 clients.

  11. I'm quite interested to see what you do with this!

    PS: your commenters are an especially bright bunch, aren't they?

    1. We have such a good mix of talents amongst us all don't we, mention a problem and it usually gets solved in one way or another. :-)

  12. Good luck with your challenge. Sounds interesting.

    1. I'm looking forward to it myself ... I think. ;-)

  13. I've just read the comments, that's brilliant that one of your readers was able to sort out those missing photos!
    I'm just looking at your shopping and shuddering - no booze! You're a braver woman than I am! xxx

    1. It really was, I'm glad I have them back in a folder I can find again. :-)

      I have barely been drinking since I finished off the last of the Christmas booze, so I think I will cope.

  14. I would worry about the lack of essential protein, but appreciate that for some families filling up is more crucial than what is actually eaten. Regards June

    1. Yes with an average of only 20g of protein per day it is low, and worrying for families that live this way for a long period ... as I once did. But as you say, a full tummy is sometimes more important.


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