Tuesday 17 December 2019

A Post by Mavis

Hello my name is Mavis.

Lots of you already know me and my story … it's nearly six years since I came to live here with Mum and Dad and all my furry and feathery friends.

I'm looking sad because I was at the vets all day yesterday having lots of my teeth out.  The vet took out 12, but she said I have lots left.  I had 6 taken out when I came back to live with Mum and Dad after the bad people pinched me and forgot to feed me, so if 18 have gone I must have started out with a lot!!

My mouth was sore before with my wobbly and bad teeth, but now it's even more hurty.  I'll have to trust Mum that it was the right thing to do but at the minute I am not sure.  The best thing about being hurty though is that I am getting nice things to eat.  I had chicken and rice for breakfast … not the chickens that live with us, at least I don't think so because they are all still outside running around with Mr and Mrs Pheasant who now also live with us,  but the sort of chicken that Mum makes smell nice and that comes out of the warm Aga thing that is next to my bed.

Yesterday Mum bought these from the charity shop.  We don't really play with toys but Mum says Father Christmas wants us to have some.

Mum wrapped them in paper and gave them both a bacon chew to eat while they are inside the paper, they smell nice now and if Mr Christmas lets me I might change my mind and play with these.

I think Mum has put them under this little tree to tease me ... I can smell the bacon.  If I had my teeth back I might have had a bite to see if I could make the treats fall out.  But I think I'll leave them for now as I have just had my medicine and I'm feeling like it might be time for a little nap.

Hurty teeth are not nice, I hope the ones I have left will be good and stay where they are supposed to be.  Time for a nap.


Mavis xx

For those of you who don't know Mavis … or a recap for those of you that do


  1. Mavis you are beautiful, I remember your mum writing about you on her other blog, I remember your story bought tears to my eyes, I am so glad life changed for the better for you, I am so glad you found a special home with a special mum and dad, and glad you are happily living the life you so deserve, you are a special little girl, enjoy your Christmas present. xx

  2. Sorry I've never commented before but was intrigued with the title of today's blog. I've been reading your blog just before you first got Mavis. I remember when Mavis first left and then found. I was crying the whole time. So happy you have her back and I smiled reading her blog post today, even though she's hurting, it's nice to know how she might be feeling! Heal quickly, Mavis. I'm rooting for you and a fast recovery!!

  3. Oh Mavis! Hurting teeth are not nice. Sending you a big hug x

  4. Mavis, you are adorable, i hope you soon feel better xxx

  5. Our little Miss Pudley has lost all but 2 of her teeth due to bad people. But she does not mind, now. She has her healthy food softened with water, and when she takes one of her 205 naps a day, her tongue hangs out. Hurty teeth, no more!! Mavis will feel so much better, soon. Best of luck!

  6. Awww Mavis you gorgeous girl♥ I remember your arrival, disappearance and reappearance it's was heartbreaking when you went missing but oh my goodness it was magical when you were reunited with Mum, Dad and all your furry friends. Lovely photo of you and ginger and I do hope your mouth will feel much better with all the love and special attention♥ Love the decorated Christmas tree Sue, perfect size. I was checking out a possible visit to Inskip and maybe Woodplumpton my old stomping ground back in 1973.

  7. Hello Mavis , you are such a beautiful girl and we are sorry you have had poorly teeth, you will feel much better soon and chicken and rice is so yummy. I am Rosie I have just had my 10th birthday, I am a Cocker Spaniel and my sister is a Terrier called Teddy, she is 5 and she often beats me up but she loves me really. My humans say you are so lucky to have humans that love you so much and I know mine love me because 2 years ago I was very poorly and had an operation that cost £4000 that's a lot of schmakos ! , I was insured but I know they would have paid it if I wasn't. I am all better now. We used to have a chicken called Mavis , she was lovely too, I used to watch our chickens for ages but I wasn't allowed to play with them. Teddy and I send you woofs and licks and our humans send love too. x

  8. So glad you found a mummy and daddy that look after you and care for you dearly. I'm sure your mouth will feel better soon and by the time Christmas comes next week you'll be able to give those toys a good chew.

  9. Oh dear Mavis, try not to worry, everything will be alright. There is a little doggy called Daisy in our village, she had a lot of teeth out. She was fine, it gave her a new lease of life, she is seventeen years old.

  10. Dear little Mavis; such a sweet face! I didn't know the back story on her, and it made me quite weepy. What kind of person mistreats and abandons their dog . . .

    I'm so glad she found her way to you and has a secure home forever. Hope her mouth feels better very soon.

  11. Mavis, you will feel better soon and you are still beautiful.

  12. Oh dear poor you Mavis. I hope you are feeling MUCH, MUCH better soon. Your mum only did what was for the best as she is a very good mother and looks after you all very well. Hope you forget all about your awful experience soon and enjoy your Christmas toys. By the way Mavis, you take a beautiful photograph and really are a pretty girls so don't worry about the loss of teeth too much. Lots of kisses xxxxx

  13. Feel better soon Mavis! You look very sweet. We can't leave the dog presents under the tree as one of our dogs picks up the presents, carries them to her bed and unwraps them! We put all the presents under the tree just before we open them and even then, she gets impatient and carries off the presents which smell of dog treats and pulls off the paper! She's 12 years old and should know how to behave. I think it's because we don't buy dog treats the rest of the year and she gets excited. x

  14. Oh Mavis, you poor thing! Hurty teeth are the worst!. I hope you soon feel much better.

  15. Mavis, I do hope you feel better very soon and have those teeth stay where they are supposed to. You get better soon so that you can enjoy those bacon treats and toys.

    God bless.

  16. Dearest Mavis, I am sorry you have a hurty mouth right now but it will get better soon, promise. 💚🐶🐾

    You could not have a better Mum and Dad to be taking care of you, and I cannot think back to the weekend Mum drove half way across the country to bring you home again without crying. Snuggle by the Aga sweet pup, and you will feel better tomorrow (but you might like to pretend you do not, because that way you are guaranteed more chicken, and maybe cheese too).

  17. Oh Mavis, I’ve just read your history and I’m in tears! Thank goodness you ended up becoming part of such a loving family. Hope your hurty mouth is not hurty for long. You’re a gorgeous girl, Mavis! I hope you are able to enjoy your Christmas pressies in a few days time xx

  18. Aww little Mavis. You are a brave little girl, and I am sure that your mouth will feel fine soon, and you will have a softy to snuggle up with. You curl up next to the Aga and keep warm.

  19. JUST A LITTLE UPDATE:. After a horrible first night at home, when she was a very poorly doggy, Mavis' antibiotics and inflammatory medicine kicked in and she did that wonderful doggy trick of bouncing back to normal after 48 hours. She is now on soft foods for another few days, while her remaining fangs bed themselves in again. But she is a very happy dog and even got all excited when she had to go back to the vets for her post-op check.

    She was so improved that the vet asked permission to take her behind the scenes to visit the nurses that had cared for her as they were all so concerned at her condition as they know her back story.

    A very happy ending ♥️

  20. That's wonderful news, A poorly dog is an awful thing,a happy dog is a wonderful thing, long may it continue to be that way.


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