Sunday 15 December 2019

Filling the Shelves

Today, ignoring the poor little undecorated Christmas tree, I instead set too and started to fill the bookshelves, something I've been itching to get done since the house was redecorated from top to bottom over the last few weeks.

To both of us, a house doesn't feel like a home until there are shelves filled with books.

This built-in set of shelves used to be packed from top to bottom, but since our sort out earlier this year there are now some gaps, and hopefully after some more reading and sorting there will be even more gaps before we pack the books away again when we come to move house.

My ex-shop display cupboard empty and cleaned and back in place ready for filling.

Now that's better!!

But this does highlight that we have lots of sorting out to do with the books still, as when we move this will be our main bookcase.  Luckily, as you can see, there are a few gaps where the Christmas cards are and the cupboard beneath the shelves is almost empty.

Oooh, a desolate kitchen corner.

That's better ... a happy kitchen corner.

And this brings us on to the next job ... emptying the teapot.  Which now stands in for our Sealed Pot, holding all the odds and sods of change from our pockets and purses, and that gets emptied once a year usually on our wedding anniversary ... late again!!

That poor little Christmas tree will get decorated ... eventually 😉

Sue xx


  1. I love books I see I have many of the same, I am struggling with which ones I should get rid of as I can't keep them all.
    I just love your tea pot, old fashioned enamelware really appeals to me.x

    1. I'm hoping to get rid of a lot more, but it will be harder on this last 'sweep' of the bookshelves as obviously all the ones we have now are books that have been sorted through quite a few times. Most of my recipe books containing a lot of meat or fish recipes have gone but I do still have some that perhaps can go this time, as can some of the River Cottage ones ... even though Hugh did sign them for us.

  2. I really dread having to go through my books for another decluttering. But it really should be done again shortly.

    I love the display cupboard.

    God bless.

    1. I quite like doing it, it just takes a long time as I end up reading instead of sorting ;-)

      Yes, that cupboard has been with me a long time, it looked great in my tiny little shop, piled high with lavender goodies, I'll have to see if I have a photo of it in situ.

  3. Books, books so beautiful :-))) Cute little fir tree... we bought yesterday.
    Big up to the ceiling. It will ve set up on the 23rd and decorated on the 24th in the morning :-)
    A fir tree is lit in all the gardens ... it looks wonderful in the streets from the evening.
    Good evening for you. Good Advent/Christmas. Greetings from Viola

    1. Ours only came indoors yesterday as we don't want it to suffer too much in the heat of the house, it will be planted out once Christmas is over. Yours sounds magnificent :-)

  4. My favourite job - sorting the books out and filling the shelves. Your tree wont take long to decorate so you can take your time with the shelves.

    1. Yes, it took 15 minutes, and five of those were spent looking for my gardening gloves … it's a spiky little bugger!!

  5. Wonderful little glimpses of your "home" Sue and yes a home without books isn't a home in my eyes♥

    1. I will take some more photos if anyone is interested, but to tell the truth it just looks like a cleaner, simpler version of how it did when we first moved in over six years ago.

    2. I always love photos as many times you can get some great ideas:)

  6. Most of my books are now on a kindle and the print have pride of place on shelving in my bedroom which is my favorite place to read. Your books and the re-do look wonderful.

    1. I also have around 200 books on my tablet/kindle … but 'proper' books will always be my first love. And a Kindle version of a cookbook is for emergencies only … haha :-)


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