Friday 15 January 2021

So You Think That Blogging is Easy ...

So you think that blogging is easy do you?  Think that getting one or two simple photos to load onto a blog post is a doddle, well try doing it when you have a cat that has accidentally been locked in the shed all night by his Dad, who then went away to work and left him there.  All Ginger wanted this morning when I finally found him after hours of searching and calling were the loving hands of his Mum, so there was no way he was going to let me take photos when he wanted a fuss and a cuddle. 

Of course I relented in the end, and after much stroking a quick cuddle ... he's not a cat that likes cuddles that much just attention ... the final photos that appeared on todays Modern Rationing blog got taken.

But this is a record of some of what I went through to take them ...

'I'm here Mum ... can you see me?'

'So ... it's this book you want a photo of is it?'

'I'm a blurry fast pussy cat.'

'And I love your book.'

'Perhaps I'll dash this way next, she won't expect it.'

'I could model with the book, but if I move fast when she's least expecting it she'll never get a good shot ... haha!!' 

'Now I'll pretend that no-one loves me and I'm sulking, then everyone that reads Mum's blog will say "Aww, poor Ginger, locked in the shed by his Dad and then ignored by his Mum". '

We both won in the end he got a fuss ... and I got my photos  😊😸

Sue xx


  1. Poor Ginger, mummies looking after you now. When I was 16 we had a stray ginger Tom visit every day making a racket until you put food out. I couldn't let him in because I'm allergic. He would head straight for me coming g home from school. After 2 years he disappeared.

    1. He'd made himself a lovely nest using all the decorating sheets and bubble wrap on a box. 🐈

  2. Definitely poor Ginger but poor Mama too. That's cats for you, I guess.

    1. I was very worried for a couple of hours. He's a very very loving cat anyway but yesterday even more so 🐈

  3. Ah bless him, can he get into the house if he was not locked in the shed or does he have to stay outside until you arrive? Are you moving into a house or flat in Garstang if flat did you have to get permission from freeholder to have pets.
    Garstang looks lovely

    1. Gosh, what a lot of questions 🤣😄

      Ginger has always had a cat-flap, so he comes and goes as he pleases ... unless Dad accidentally locks him in a shed. I live in a flat in Garstang at the moment with just Suky and did get permission for her. We are buying a property there, it's all going through now, and we will own the freehold so no permission will be needed. Ginger will have a brand new cat-flap on Alan's kitchen door. 🐈

    2. Apologies I had read your previous post about moving and this one about Ginger hence the questions. I wrongly thought you had brought a leasehold flat and was just interested about pets and leases.

      Hubby and I have been looking for some time and cant seem to find a property to suit us. We would love another dog but don't want too much garden to have to cope with, we keep looking at flats also but worry about the lease and service charges

      I envy you finding your forever home. I promise not to ask too many questions in future x

    3. It's not a problem, don't worry. 😃. I don't know if this next move is our forever home, it could be if the living arrangements work out well. We'll see 😃

  4. Oh poor baby (that's Ginger, not you, sorry 😉)

    Aside from plotting what punishment Daddy will receive in due course, you must have been beyond frantic trying to find him, especially after what you have been through with Mavis. With no medical qualifications whatsoever, may I prescribe a day of TLC, much self-care, and sitting in front of the fire with as many four-paws as want to join you?

    1. Oh he's arrived back now and has been told off good and proper by me, although Ginger loves his Dad so much he was straight on his knee again as soon as he sat down. Boys huh ... I would have sulked for days!!

      Busy busy here at the moment, I'm packing stuff up for the final move while I'm here and trying to strike a balance just in case this sale doesn't go through. I want the house to still look nice for any future viewings, just a little bit sparser.

    2. You are juggling, plate spinning and walking a fine line at present (oh, off to join the circus!!)

      Fingers crossed with the sale, and that estate agents don't completely close up. x

  5. Yes cats always win in the end don't they?

    1. He's such a forgiving softy, he spent the day showing me and the dogs all his love and then took himself to bed in the dogs big bed nice and early, obviously making sure of a night indoors rather than in a shed.

  6. Hilarious set of photos. Ginger is a cutie.

  7. This is so cute. Kitties are the best!

  8. Aw poor Ginger! What wonderful photos you got anyway. He looks a lovely cat :)

  9. Poor Ginger! Look at how happy he is to see you. xxx

  10. If there is one thing I don't think is that blogging is easy...and I don't even have a blog of my own. But I can see that your particular blogging day had rather more challenges than you expected (great photos). Perhaps Ginger just wanted to make sure you don't 'ration' his attention, especially on his more 'challenging' days. :)

  11. I love your pictures of Ginger and as a cat Mom I certainly understand! Cats do love to have you make a fuss over them when they feel they have suffered in any way. You can easily tell how much she loves her Mum!

  12. Happy ending:) There is something so special about Ginger cats♥ xoxo

    1. The ginger boys are very easy going and loveable, but my last Ginger was a girl and she was a really grumpy bitch ... there really is no other way to describe her ... I still loved her to bits for all of her almost 16 years.

  13. Sorry, I had to laugh. When Shania was still with us anytime I was on the floor cutting out a pattern (which was often) she was right there wanting cuddles and to check out what I was doing in her territory. Same if I was doing any floor exercises, which was often when I broke my wrist.

    God bless.

  14. Haha, this made me laugh, they certainly have their way of getting attention, don’t they! And don’t get me started on cats and jigsaws. My lovely cat loves a jigsaw, or rather the pieces of jigsaw that I’m looking at!

  15. Oh, I hate it when a pet comes up missing. I am glad she is back. She's gorgeous, and I've been reading about your Victory Cookbook. The difference in the eras strikes me. Then, folks pulled together and figured out how to get it done. Now, at least in my country, we are facing an enormous challenge, and there is so much bickering and a resistance to doing even the most commonsense thing to get us past this pandemic. People have changed, haven't they?


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