Wednesday 27 January 2021

To Be What Others Expect of You


Just one weekend 

Was all it took

It gave me time to be.  

Not to think ... to just be.

Minimal phone interaction

No blogging

No Facebook or Instagram

Some sorting through things

Numerous doggy walks


Much reading




Sitting staring into space with an open, empty mind.  

Calming and soothing and a realisation followed.

I hadn't picked up my camera at all, I hadn't once thought ... 'oh I must get a photo of this for the blog' or 'this would make for a good post'.  I had the weekend for me and me alone ...and it carried on forward.

I dared to take more time away than I said I would and the emails and messages started.  

'Are you okay?'

'Why haven't you blogged?'

'You said you would be back after the weekend!'

Yes, it can be called concern, and to those of you that did out of a sense of concern I thank you for that.  For the couple that said 'you have let us down',  I say no I did not!!  (Oh, and I also said 'Oh fuck off ...' when I read your message ... but that's just me. ๐Ÿ˜Ž )

 I warned you I was going and I went, that I dared to take longer than the weekend is tough, but I will not apologise for not supplying something that is not vital to your survival.  I am not and never have been a day in day out blogger, I have dipped in and dipped out at my will and being pressured to supply entertainment is the one sure thing to make me rebel.

But hey, that is not why I have come to a decision.

Now I am dipping out.

For longer than a weekend.

I may be back in the near or far future, when and if I have something I wish to share.  After all there is a move imminent, a house sold and a home bought, so much to do and much to be done.  A life to change and a new adventure to begin, that may or may not work out.

But for now I will live my life without a camera in my hand without a thought of what will or won't make a good blog post.  It's not that I have run out of things to say it's that I just don't want to say them to anyone but myself for a while.

Take care, stay safe and perhaps I'll see you again on here once again.

Sue xx

Oh, I meant to add the blog will remain on here for those of you who use it as a bouncing off point to get to others that you read, or in case you wish to read through old posts again.  But after a couple of days I will be switching off comments ... just to annoy the autobots and trolls  ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. Will miss your posts Sue but wish you well ... take care and hopefully will see you again on here at some point ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  2. Good for you, enjoy your life and be happy and healthy , you were not here to perform a sevrice, your views and entertainment were always welcome but this is now your time.

  3. Sorry to see you go, but we all need to step away from time to time for self care and to focus on our priorities. Will look forward to your return! ~ Carol

  4. Good for you Sue. Cottage at the End of the Lane (another lovely blog) is also taking a break until something to say.
    I look forward to reading you again when you return refreshed and ready to blog. In the meantime enjoy your time away. You will be missed!

  5. Sorry you won't be around, as I really enjoy your blogs, but you know what is best for you. You've got lots of changes and things to keep you busy coming up. I hope you might do an update on your rationing year - I could never do this (my OH wouldn't agree, for starters!) but I'm fascinated by your journey. Stay well, enjoy what you're doing and look after yourself and your loved ones.

  6. Best choice and decision you could make! Stay well, enjoy your life.
    Love and blessings,


  7. Very worrying that people moan at you for daring to have a few days of not blogging. Good grief - it's not compulsory!

    Hope the move goes smoothly and I bet you'll be back sometime.

  8. Hugs. I hope everything goes well with the sale and move. Stay well. Hugs.

  9. Wishing you all the luck, happiness and love in the world, Sue. Take care of yourself. I hope we'll hear from you again, if/when you're ready. Xx

  10. Enjoy whatever you do Sue, for you, not the entertainment of others x

  11. have you sold in wales ? hope so thats a feeling like no other. Good luck

  12. What a cheek for someone to complain at you not blogging. Blogging is not a conditional occupation. I used to blog daily but during lock-downs with not much to say anymore I have gone to weekly. I will look forward to seeing you back if and when you are ready and wish you well with your moves etc. I will miss your challenge but I know that you will do it superbly because you always do. Good luck. xx

  13. I totally understand and support your decision. I admire the courage you have to be yourself, speak your mind and follow your dream of a simple life. Your weekend sounded like bliss especially when you are about to sell and move homes. Wishing you all the luck in the world and thanks for sharing this blog which is my favourite. I often wonder about sharing my life online again but I feel no pressure to which feels great. Never say never. Follow your heart Sue and take care x x x

  14. I'll miss your posts but you know what's best for you. Plus you do have a lot to do in the next few months moving an all. Take care!!

  15. Good luck in what you have planned.

  16. All the best, Sue. Enjoy settling into your new home.

  17. I will truly miss your posts as they are often so inspiring, but I also understand the need to change how you've been doing things. I hope your next chapter is as full filling as the previous ones. Best wishes for a smooth move and transition. You've told us more than once, life is what you make it. Ranee (MN) USA

  18. Pleased to hear you have sold your house in Wales.We have also sold ours and are on the move back to England after forty plus years here.

  19. Wishing you well. I have loved all your posts and will be happy to read them again when it suits you.
    Wishing you love, light and happy days. Carole.

  20. You will be missed. I will miss you loads but you do what's right for you and for no-one else. You most certainly haven't let anyone down and I'm quite cross that anyone would have the gall to say such a thing.
    Do9 what is right for you, be the person you want to be and if/when you come back, there will be a big welcome.
    Thanks for everything you have given us over the years.
    xx J xx

  21. I've enjoyed reading your posts. Hope the moves go well. Enjoy life, stay safe. Viv

  22. Good Decision Sue. I'll miss your bloggs as they're interesting and, yes, I do use your page to bounce onto others! Really enjoyed the videos you posted at the weekend. All the best and keep on keeping on! Elizabeth (Mary's daughter)

  23. This makes me so sad. I wish you the best and hope maybe you will return to the blog once life settles down for you.
    Jo in Wisconsin.

  24. There are some odd people. I was castigated by one for having the temerity to make my blog private as I was sick of the sniping, condescending comments coming from some quarters.
    Take care of yourself and good luck with the house moves.

  25. Oh dear I don’t often comment but, I will miss you,and take care, enjoy your life your way,

  26. You have a lot on your plate at the moment so you must take all the time needed. I do hope that you will be back when you are ready as I will miss your posts but I will wait patiently and check back now and again.
    Good luck with the new home once everything is sorted and stay well.

  27. It’s your life to live as you wished. I think some bloggers think they own us.

  28. Well said, Sue. I hope all the moves and new arrangements work well for you - and hope to see you back again at some point. Love and prayers - and a hug x

  29. You will be missed, good luck with the move!

  30. Thank you. Your musings got me through some difficult times and helped me make some difficult decisions. Good wishes for the future.

  31. Ive enjoyed reading your posts and must admit I will miss them. Wishing you all the best, so happy for your new home. Hope to see you back one day soon. Wishing you love, peace and much happiness! :)

  32. You would think that people were paying you so you would blog. You have so much to do in the near future that the blog must slide down the list of priorities. Hope to see you back when you are settled and have your 'new norm'. Take care.

  33. I've done similar- switched off Facebook and Instagram and the blog went ages ago. I don't think anyone really noticed my absence and I'm glad.
    All the best with the move and beyond.

  34. Good for you, Sue! Good for you! I cannot wait to see where this journey takes you!

  35. Well done you, I totally get it especially the bit about not having run out of stuff to say but not wanting to share it right now. I feel the same so my blog remains quiet! Congrats on the house sale. We move next week. See you on the other side ie I might blog about it later but then again.... ☺ Wishing you happy days, lots of them. X

  36. I just want to say thank you for the blogging you have done. Some of your quotes have really resonated with me.

  37. We all need time for us! Good luck with the coming move and the selling of your home. A blog should not interfere with your personal space. A break is a good thing especially when you have so much ahead of you! Take care! xx

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I will miss your posts but you must of course do what is right for you. I hope to hear occasional updates. Good luck.

  39. So sorry you are going I very much enjoyed reading your thoughts. Good luck with the house move. Jane

  40. You'll be missed by so many of us Sue. Enjoy your freedom from here. We'll soon return to read, if ever you return to blogging on here.
    Best of luck with the moves and life changes.


  41. Enjoy your freedom. But do pop in to let us know how the ration challenge went.

  42. Thank you, most sincerely, for sharing your insights and your life with us. It was your gift, not our right, and I for one appreciated it. This year has been taxing in so many ways, and each of us must navigate our way through as best we can. I hope your move goes smoothly, and you settle happily into your new home. I’m hoping you’ll let us know you’re safe, healthy and happy ... when you’re ready to. Meanwhile, go well.

  43. I will miss your posts, but you need to do what is necessary for you. Thanks for your gift of getting to know you a bit.

    God bless.

  44. Rats! I am so sorry that people are jerks. I will really miss your posts, but you have to do what's best for you. I have bought two of the books you recommended about rations and have been reading them. I've so enjoyed your posts about the new challenge. I will miss your dogs too. Take care of yourself.

  45. Wishing you all the very best Sue with your busy year ahead, exciting times for sure:) Take good care and good luck with your house sale, move and whatever life may have in store for you♥ It's been lovely to tag along xoxo

  46. What cheek, criticising you for taking a small break.
    Will miss your lovely updates on what's happening and doggy walks.So good to hear the house is sold, what a big relief for you both.
    Best wishes for a trouble free move and I do hope you enjoy some peace and serenity along with the coming activity of setting up your new home.

    Looking forward to catching up when you are ready to be back giving me a little insight into my Dad's old country.๐Ÿ˜Š

  47. Very best wishes for the next stage of your life, good health and happiness for all your family, two and four legs. I hope that your son and his partner are/have recovered from the virus. Thank you for all the lovely photos, humour and thought provoking posts. Alison from Shropshire. ( Will be raising a large mug to you when it is coffee time later.)

  48. I'll miss you, Sue, but perfectly understand why you are stopping. I wish you all the very best with your house sale and send love and hugs for a happy future. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts over the years and making me smile on a regular basis. Take care of yourself x

  49. So sorry you're feeling pressurised Sue. Best of luck with the move. We'll all be here if you decide to come back. xx

  50. I'm not going to say, oh what a shame, or I'll miss you. I'm going to say, good on ya girl, go forth and please yourself. As long as you're happy, I'm happy.

  51. Wishing you all the best as you begin a new chapter in your life. I will miss you, Alan and your four-legged family (Suky, Mavis and Ginger). I hope to see you back someday...

  52. Fair enough - absolutely and now more than ever we need to do what is right for us. And NOBODY has he right to say we have “let them down” by not providing social media content for goodness sake - if any of those people are reading this, then frankly, you need to get a grip!

  53. I'll miss reading your posts. Great news about the houses. Good luck, hope all goes smoothly. Take care.x

  54. I know just what you mean Sue. I dip in and out too, sometimes I can write and sometimes I can't that's life. Take care and I hope everything goes well. Jane xx


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