Wednesday 30 November 2022

I didn't really think this through ...


I thought I'd get ahead of the game yesterday afternoon and get my two new Advent calendars out and ready for action.  This Bonne Mamon jam one fitted pretty well on the little drawer unit next to my Welsh cupboard.

I hadn't really thought about the length of the Grow Your Own calendar.

I laid all the packets out on the floor, pulled out as much string as I could comfortably get away with to peg them onto neatly, and then wandered round the lodge with it looking for suitable wall space.  This was the only area suitable ... and even that meant cutting a couple of feet more off the string.

It works just fine and decorates the hall outside the bathroom door nicely for Christmas.  

I have decided that I will be rehanging the little envelopes back on their 'washing line' once I have taken my seed packet out each day to keep it looking nice and festive.

Now all that's left to do is to get last year's Advent calendar out from under my bed after I packed it away filled with the decorations for this year's tree.

Sue xx


  1. I love the seed Advent calendar, the font is fabulous! It's huge, though! I'd have to hang it above the bannister on the staircase, I don't think I've got an uninterrupted space on a wall in this house! xxx

    1. I have so many pictures up, and so little space that the hallway was really the only option, except maybe for up high where I wouldn't have been able to reach it.

  2. It all looks absolutely lovely, Sue. Really festive and bright. xx

    1. It definitely adds some Christmas colour to an otherwise very white hallway.

  3. Lovely and christmassy
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I love it, I'm definitely getting Christmassy now that this is up.

  4. Beautifully Christmassy, Sue, it would fit nicely in my hall ;o)
    Did you manage to locate a Christmas jumper in the end? I've found one with stars on in my drawer so that will have to do this year!
    The jam Advent calendar looks good too.

    1. I've not found one yet, there is one place left that I can think of to look!

  5. Your Grow Your Own seed Advent looks fabulous, a beautiful decoration in its own right.

    But on the subject of "thinking this through" I'm looking forward to seeing where you find the space to grow the contents of those lovely envelopes. ðŸĪŠ ðŸĪ” ðŸĨ• ðŸŒ―

    1. I was trying NOT to think of that!! Maybe sow three seeds from each packet? Haha!!

  6. You are looking festive - not really started here and it is December 1st in just under an hour...yikes!

    1. And now it's here ...... Yay, it's December. :-)

  7. Love the seed banner. Such a neat idea to put the envelopes back on once the seeds are out.

    God bless.

    1. It would look like a string washing line if I left it bare! I am trying to think what I could put into the envelopes to re-use it next year. Not seeds as I'll have hundreds left over from this year, but something else that's pretty flat.

  8. I love the seed advent calendar. It looks so quaint and old fashioned. The string and the wash pegs would be wonderful to save for next year to hang your Christmas cards on!

  9. Looks festive!

    Could you reuse the seed packet line calendar and purchase new seed packets for it? Or perhaps Alan could do it as a surprise for you. Of course, you might have to provide a master list of the seeds you prefer. ;-)

    ...Taja 🏜️


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