Saturday 17 June 2023

Find Your People



They are out there you know….
waiting to be found
or even just to be seen
perhaps they are hiding in plain sight?
When you do find them
they will like you, on impact
just as you are
because they are your people.
How will you know when you come across them?
It’s a little fizz
a tiny little spark of something
that zips unseen
between you…
One soul recognising another.
Stop trying to be liked
by those who don’t see your worth
chances are they never will.
Find your people
they need you too.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘I Wish I Knew’ :

I was only thinking to myself the other day that here on Blogger and a few other platforms, we have developed a nice friendly little band of like-minded people. We support each other, we sympathise when necessary, give advice if it is asked for and generally pop up on each others posts and feeds on a regular basis. Just like friends popping round for coffee ... but we all make our own and occasionally eat a crafty custard cream when no-one's looking.

Yes, there are some real twallops that pop up to try to spread their negativity and vitriol, but by and large they get weeded out pretty quickly and sent off to wherever it is that deleted twallops live.

So I'd just like to say a big thank you for reading my wild and occasional wacky ramblings and now I'm off to read some of yours.

Have a great weekend ... and happy hula-hooping.

Sue xx


  1. Yes, our like minded bloggers are great! I see you commenting on many of the blogs I visit too. Seeing names we know on other blogs makes everything feel really friendly. And I delete the twallops too!

    1. I agree with FC (a blogger I met in real life once and we had coffee together!!) There is clearly a group of like-minded folk who I consider true blogfriends, and I thank the Lord for them (and delete twallops. A new word but one I shall definitely use in the future) 😊👍❤️🌞

  2. I don't have a blog, but I do very much enjoy reading bloggers of a like mind to myself. The same people pop up in other places, hop across continents to pay a visit and support each other in many ways. I too like to think that I have found my tribe.

  3. Sue this is just lovely, thank you for your continued blogging and thoughts about “life” - it resonates with a lot of us!
    Country Cook

  4. I love my little circle of readers who comment too. As you say, always pleasant and supportive and I have been remarkably lucky in not attracting the less generous characters (touch wood). The blatant adverts are now deleted by Blogger or don't last very long before being whapped off!

    1. (perhaps I should have said 'twallopped'!)

  5. Love that word twallops! I’m going to enjoy using it. I read only the blogs I enjoy where people are respectful and kind in how they comment to the authors. I always enjoy reading yours and admire everyone who manages to think of things to write each day/few days. Catriona

  6. Thank you for letting me " pop round for a coffee " , it's lovely to join in the chat and I don't have to get dressed and put my lippy on to do it and very often I get a little thought for the day from your musings and memes.x

  7. Twallops is very descriptive!

    I couldn't hula-hoop when I was 10 so there's no hope for me now.

  8. I don't have a blog but I read many blogs and seem to have found like-minded people, generally.
    Twallops is such a brilliant word!

  9. How lovely it was reading this, and the comments above from other like minded bloggers/readers
    Reading my favourite blogs always adds something positive to my day and occasionally helps give me a lift when life gets tricky. Think I've mentioned before, I tend to comment on blogs I don't have to sign in to, but I do read a few others too - e.g. Her in , Him out which I also enjoy. Love the Twallops word too BTW!
    Alison in Wales x

  10. I love this and having spent the day with two of my blogging buddies (one who I met through her blog and the other who I know in real life but was inspired to start blogging from reading mine) I'm nodding in agreement to every line.
    I shall introduce twallops into my vocabulary. Fortunately I've not encountered many, the majority of people are fabulous, just like you. xxx

  11. A really brilliant post. We do seem to have a lovely group of people, don't we. Love the Twallops word and now Joy's 'Whapped off' phrase too 😂🤣😂 It gets better and better!

  12. The blogging community is truly a great one. Such a diverse and friendly bunch of people.
    I will now be using the word 'twallop' on a daily basis. Xx

  13. I was sure I commented this morning - perhaps ruddy Blogger has eaten it for their breakfast.

    Ditto all you said about some of the lovely people we have met through our blogs, and thank you for spreading twallop to the wider community! 🤣

  14. We have a community going here. I have met some lovely bloggers in person and just wish I could meet even more.

    God bless.

  15. Hi all, I don’t have a blog, but I love starting my day reading a few of my favourite blogs and the comments ,a lovely way to travel the world sitting in my own pergola. Thanks everyone 💐
    Wendy C - Bribie Is,Oz

  16. I think it's wonderful fun to pop in and see what everyone is up to. I really do feel as if I learn quite a bit from blogs. I often wander off to have a google about something that I've never heard of before. Thanks all.


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