Tuesday 20 June 2023

Choppy Salad ... and Hands Up If You're Reading This


The other day I realised that I hadn't made myself a big bowl of 'choppy salad' for a while.  It used to be an almost weekly thing, chopping up all the salady things from the fridge and having them ready to add to meals all through the week ... and then suddenly I just stopped doing it.

So I set too, chopping.

I used three peppers, one red, one yellow and one orange, two large tomatoes, a whole cucumber, about five sticks of celery and a large red onion.  They were all chopped into similar sized pieces and stirred around before being tipped into my round glass container.

I kept out enough of the bits to add to a couple of sandwiches for lunch stirring some mayo and vegan grated cheese through the mixture.

And it reminded me just what I have been missing.

It's funny how a habit can drop away and just stop isn't it, but it's always nice when you rediscover it and pull it back into day to day life.

I have always used a container with a well fitting lid as each time I get some of the salad out for a meal or a snack, I put the tub back into the fridge the opposite way up.  This way the moisture seeps through everything at a steady rate, and as you can see in the very top photo I put a piece of folder paper towel in the lid to absorb any excess moisture and keep everything nice and fresh.

The next day I had some of the choppy salad with rice and a salmon fillet for my tea, and then the following day it was back to a salad sandwich for lunch, this time with a cheese slice and lots of extra onion.  A tub of this size will keep me going all week added to various things and if by any chance I do get fed up with it I can tip it into a pan and turn it into soup.

Hands up if you were reading Smiley Ovens ... and Musings earlier today.  

 This morning after retrieving comments that shouldn't be in Spam and putting in the comments that weren't in there but should be, I looked at the blog Stats only to find that a couple of people are reading right back through the blog.  One person is right back at the beginning and another was reading this post.  I do like it when this happens as it makes me go back and have a look at what I wrote.

Sometimes I'm impressed with old posts and sometimes I'm not, but they are all of their age and all valid at the time so I never go back and edit them ... even if occasionally I make myself wonder!!

This one was from when I lived in the flat before we bought our current property, it's nice to look back, especially as there might be some more property news coming up in the next couple of weeks.


Sue xx


  1. I like that idea of a 'choppy salad' good for using up the odds and ends, i shall try that. Briony

    1. I always think if you're chopping up salad stuff for one meal another few minutes chopping isn't going to hurt ... and of course it means less washing up later in the week. :-)

  2. You are such a tease! 🤣 Love a real mixed salad.

  3. The choppy salad is such a simple but good idea for when I get home from worked tired and I can’t be bothered!! Jane 😀

    1. Some nights I simply tip some salad into a bowl and drizzle it in mayo and eat it just as it is. It's lovely after a hot day.

  4. I love a choppy salad. And hands up! lol.
    Looking forward to the news.

    1. So you're one of the back readers ... I hope it's all making sense, I forget what I write sometimes. :-)

  5. Another static caravan? I have no idea, but you'll tell us soon enough Sue xx

    1. No I have thought of a good compromise that Alan is very happy about, and it doesn't cost as much money as us getting another caravan. :-)

  6. I’m with Sooze, another static van is a prime contender but once upon a time there was a hankering for a canal boat

    1. It was Alan that wanted the canal boat and I didn't. Then we had the holiday on board one and he changed his mind ... and so did I. :-) But it's not a van or a narrowboat.

  7. You went after the tiny cottage? Catriona

    1. Oh I wish ... it's still for sale, and up close and personal it's lovely, but I rather stupidly have my sensible head on and I haven't bought it.

  8. You on the move again? Love the choppy salad - I used to do something similar with my salad bar box and have not done that for a while. Having a few probs over here - mum (97) fractured her hip so had plenty of fun and games with her, the NHS and the rehab care home she is in at the moment. Hardly seen the new family member since he was born and no time for making many healthy meals we have had to grab what we can. Had our first real salad tonight - I might just chop the rest up in a bowl too - good idea and it will be transportable when we have to go back up to North Yorkshire to take over visiting etc from my sister for a few days. Mum (as you can imagine) is presently on another planet.x

    1. Not completely!!
      Oh your poor Mum ... and you too, that's not what you need at the moment.

      Yes, choppy salad is very transportable and has been taken on many holidays with us. It would be good to take to the hospital with you in a cool bag, there's not a lot of healthy food available in hospital for visitors, or even for patients!!

  9. This actually, is a very good idea. Easily done, and as you said, it can just be stored in a bowl in the fridge for the week. It is a dandy way to quickly add vegetables to your meal.

    1. I definintely find myself eating healthier if there are things like this ready to grab in the fridge. At the moment I have the last of the choppy salad in it's tub, a tub of drained chickpeas and a large tub of cooked pasta ... an instant pasta salad when all thrown together.

  10. I love happy salads too. Very excited by my leaves in the raised bed - daily picking mixed red&green mizuma and baby leaf perpetual spinach. Waiting to see what the teaser is about...

    1. It's lovely being able to pick just the amount of leaves for your meal or sandwich isn't it, and it can save you a fortune over bagged salad at this time of year. I'll have to spill the beans won't I after leaving you all in limbo.

  11. What a great idea with the choppy salad!

    1. It works really well, I've been doing it every since I met Alan in 2004, it was his 'thing' originally.

  12. Oh, lordy...is there a cottage in your future plans??

  13. I have started adding more salads to our suppers thanks to your choppy salads. They are so refreshing.

    God bless.

    1. It's easy to add a couple of spoonfuls to most meals isn't it. It makes me feel very healthy and virtuous. :-)

  14. What an absolutely brilliant idea!

    1. It makes life nice and simple ... and tasty. :-)

  15. I've just caught up with this - and yes, when I've missed a day or so on my blog reading I usually look at all the posts I missed.......... looking forward to seeing your surprise!
    Great idea with the salad, especially tipping it up to keep it fresh
    Alison in Wales x

  16. Wasn't there a flat that you purchased? a few yrs back and have rented it out? with the thought that at some point it could be your primary residence?

  17. I'm reading backwards so I know already!
    Jon's the salad chopper in this house - I refuse to have onion in mine. A Greek waiter described me as a weirdo for not liking it raw! xxx


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