Wednesday 28 June 2023

Do I Carry On ....


I've been wondering over the past few days if I want to carry on blogging.  😐

To be honest I am feeling that Blogland is on a downward turn, the negativity on quite a few of the blogs that I read and the downright nastiness of some commenters on a few of my blogging buddies posts leave me with a sour taste in my mouth.  

There's just no need for it.

I find if I read too many negative blog posts and their accompanying comments before I write a post on my own blog, all creativity and even the desire to write words of my own leaves me in a flash of sour coloured smoke.  

It's really frustrating.

I'm far from perfect myself and there have been times when I've been a bit of  Debby Downer myself (apologies to my readers, and especially to the two regular commenters called Debbie/Debby).  But hopefully that has been on only a few posts over the last fifteen years.  Maybe it's just me running out of steam that you are reading about right now.

We'll see!!

As for nasty comments on my blog, these are easily dealt with and rarely bother me if they pop up every now and then.  I deal with them either with a few words in print from my potty mouth or a sharp press of the 'Delete Forever' button. 😏

We are going to visit our Welsh flat over the weekend and have a chat with our letting agents in Llandudno.  We will be staying in a caravan in Rhyl for a few days, as obviously the flat is completely empty now that our tenant has moved out.  Hopefully this will give me some time to think about things and come up with a plan for life, the blog and just things in general ... I always find a change of scenery works wonders.

  The dogs will be coming with us, but Ginger will have the pleasure of my son's company.

Maybe I just need a break, we'll see.

Sue xx


  1. Have a lovely time, Sue. And thank you for your support xx

  2. I understand the feeling when blogging stops being fun and becomes a chore.
    But damn, I would miss you SO MUCH . . . 😢

    Hope your trip to Wales is the break you need, take care. xx

  3. A plan for life sounds a bit drastic! - a week at a time will do or even a day at a time.
    I hope Blogland isn't on a downward spiral into nastiness. I've not had any odd comments lately - thank goodness - or maybe my posts are too boring for negative-ness.
    Have a lovely weekend at the seaside. Good weather hopefully

    1. Haha ... I didn't mean a plan for the rest of my life, just life as it is going forward. I have my fingers crossed for the weather, the long range forecast showed that it was going to be rainy but that has now been updated into a much better outlook, phew!

  4. I’m always amazes that people have the stamina for blogging and I enjoy your posts be they many or few. Catriona

  5. Totally get it, we all need to fill our lives with positive and happy things I am forever striving for a happier more peaceful time but "stuff " keeps being thrown our way ,today is particularly sad as our darling cocker spaniel Rosie was put to sleep, she was old and ready to go, her liver and kidneys were failing ,she died in my arms, she was a lovely girl ,we know when we choose our pets that it won't be forever but that doesn't make it easier does it. Whatever you chose to do it will be the right thing for you, enjoy your break and planning for your flat. x

    1. So sorry about your Rosie - I'm facing this soon with my old yorkie girl, it's a heartbreaking time no matter what the logic that leads to the final decision xx
      Alison in Wales

    2. Thank you Alison, we have said good night to 3 yorkies, I feel for you, best wishes, Chrissie x

    3. I am so sorry to hear this Chrissie. Making that decision, even when it really is the only thing to do is never easy is it. Much love. xx

  6. I am still getting insults and negative comments thrown at me, but I am not giving up. You must do what is right for you. Maybe a short break will do the trick.

    1. Good for you Ilona, there are some right twallops around aren't there. I'm looking forward to a little break for sure. xx

  7. How I would miss your blog if you gave up, but like the other comments I agree - it's your blog, your life.
    Have a good break........ maybe having extended breaks from blogging a couple of times a year would help, but that's just me poking my nose in!!!
    Alison in Wales x

  8. Oh I really hope you do not stop blogging. But that said I do realise that there are some not so nice people out there. I really enjoy reading about your everyday life. Take care.
    Sue in Canada.

  9. To blog or not to blog! I hope you will have a nice vacation from blogging and return rested and renewed. Let's all of us kind bloggers stay in blogland and create a happy space and once in a while share hard truths if we are so inspired. Rest and renew to you. Terra at terragarden

    1. Very Shakespeare-ial ;-)

      I've no doubt I will feel a lot better after a few days away. You're right the kind and positive ones should definintely stay and drown out the downbeat and the negativity.

  10. I read your blogs regularly but rarely comment. I would just like to say I will really miss your posts if you should decide to stop writing. I understand how upsetting it must be when people leave unpleasant comments and fully condemn their behaviour.
    I wish you a restful holiday and hope to be reading your blogs soon.

  11. I totally understand, am in the same situation, not sure what to do....or not to do....
    Have a good time, relax and enjoy!
    Cheers, Jeanneke.

  12. Sue, I read your blog and I feel uplifted. You are a positive person and a practical one too which I love.
    I am always quite shocked and appalled at some of the negative comments I read on personal blogs.
    In my view there is never a need to be rude, critical or negative. If you don't like what you are reading then don't read that blog anymore. It really is quite simple. If you haven't got anything nice to say then say nothing, said Thumper and I agree!
    I hope you will continue to blog but who could blame you for saying "enough already".
    Enjoy Wales, maybe a break will make you feel better.

  13. I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your blog before but I check daily and am so inspired by your life tips. I’d be very sorry if you stopped blogging. I miss so many of the practical blogs like Frugal in Essex for example but am thankful for the tips that are helping me in my retirement. Margaret from New Zealand

  14. If there were negative comments on your blog, then perhaps time to take a raincheck. But to stop writing your blog because other people get adverse comments seems a step too far. Some people get unwelcome comments because they set out to be attention-seeking, or controversial. I occasionally get spam, which gets dumped, but I just write about what interests me and tend to steer away from the problems of the modern world. I know it happens, but I don't want to write about it.

    1. When there are negative or adverse comments on my blog, few and far between thankfully, I just make good use of the 'Delete Forever' button and they are gone for good. It's the general atmosphere online that has been getting me down and the negative posts from other people. I rarely write about the problems of the modern world, there are enough others doing that. It's very rare for anything political, religious or controversial to pass through my online space.

  15. I love your blog and would miss you but you need to do what’s best for you. Could you turn off the comments option? Lynn Ewing

  16. I am sorry you have had to deal with nasty or negative comments. I do enjoy following your blog but understand the need to evaluate where you are now. If it doesn't bring you pleasure any more, maybe it is time to stop, or take a break.
    I have been lucky, I guess. I have had so few negative comments in the 16 years I have been blogging that I can only honestly remember 2bor 3. The funniest was a lady who emailed me privately that she was shocked that I mentioned that my hubby and I sometime argue! In herb35byears of marriage, she said, there was never a cross word between them. I am trying to imagine what that would be like. Boring, I think!
    Stay well, and enjoy your break.

    1. I haven't, it happens every now and then but it's all easily dealt with. I have had some corkers over the years, they were far better deleted than related on the blog ... haha.

  17. Hope you enjoy your Welsh trip. I always read your blog but don’t often comment, I’ve been following for a long long time.

  18. I do understand the weariness about writing a post after you have read other people's - I struggle more with this now too! Luckily, I don't really get many/any negative comments although I did get a rather snarky one today which I replied to quite mildly. I don't comment that often but I do enjoy your blog!x

    1. The days I come on and write my post and THEN go on a read around blogland are far better. I find negativity very insidious. Snarky comments to me get the potty side of my mouth much to some readers consternation. ;-) It's not been necessary for a while, I've just been deleting.

  19. I think that sometimes we just sort of run through a dry stretch. That makes us feel like we have to come up with something sometimes. Take a break. I bet it won't be long before you are thinking, "I can't wait to tell everyone '----------' We will be here when you get back!

  20. Have a lovely restfull trip! I don't have a blog but I feel it's a bit of a village and I like to think if people are feeling a bit down or having a difficult time that they can feel safe in expressing this here and feel supported and not alone. I'm not sure how you stop the nasties.

  21. Enjoy your time away, I have been very lucky and not had any real negative comments. But then I have a very small following, and those that do are kind and generous. I would miss you, but you need to do whatever is necessary.

    God bless.

  22. Oh Sue, snarky, or worse, comments must be soul destroying. I'm sorry. I'd miss you so much if you stopped, but the call is completely yours. I hope the break away helps you feel better. XX

  23. I have never commented on your blog before but I read it every morning. I really don´t understand the people who write nasty comments. Why don´t they just stop reading? Do they think they do you a favour by showing you that you are wrong? Anyway, I hope you continue your blog, and I promise to write a comment as often as possible.
    Hilde in Germany

  24. I read your blog every time and have done so for years but rarely comment. I’m ancient and live alone so reading blogs opens my eyes to other people’s lives, problems, likes and dislikes, makes me think and keeps my mind active so for purely selfish reasons I would love you to continue, maybe just twice a week would help you to keep things calmer. I don’t know why people comment in a negative manner but I enjoy your writing greatly. Sandra.

  25. I read your blog every time, don’t comment, but I feel this time I have to, please don’t go I have been following you for a very long time, and enjoy reading what you do these people that are nasty have nothing better to do Sandy mid wales

  26. I certainly feel like that at times which is why I no longer post so often.

  27. I do hope that you not give in to the nasty people. I rarely comment but I always read your blog and I would so miss it if you stopped. I realise that sounds a bit selfish but your glimpse into your life lightens mine. Enjoy your visit to Wales and I do hope I get to read all about it.

  28. My name is Pam and I don’t know why this does not automatically come up sorry

  29. I really enjoy reading your blogs Sue but I rarely comment. Would it give you a blogging break if you were just to post once a week for a while?

  30. I also don't comment that often but always read along. I can never understand why people leave nasty comments. John seems to get the worst of them at times. My blog is just chickens so I have a small, like minded, following and have been lucky to have lovely comments. I do blog less these days though. When I first started it was daily and now it's once or twice a week which works for me. It would be sad to lose you but you must do what is right for you. I hope the break away will be good for you.

  31. I've just read a blog post from an American stitcher called spinsterstitcher; she mentioned in passing that she views the people who make negative comments as being like those two old men in the muppet shows... made me laugh! Hope you have a lovely break.

  32. Hello there. Because of the time differences I don’t take part in your ‘conversations’ with other bloggers but would definitely miss you. A short break might be all you need - I find that works for me. Enjoy your time away with your man and the dogs

  33. I get how you're feeling. This is a battle I have with social media every single day. Should I stay or go? I've even been questioning blogging lately, just because I don't have much to say right now. Sometimes it's a matter of removing the ones who are making you feel disheartened. You bring fun and enjoyment to those of us who love your blog. Maybe unfollow the negative ones and keep on with your positive posts :) Either way, have a great weekend! Enjoy your break :)

    1. I'm so glad it's not just me. Removing the ones that get me down is a good idea, as is adding some that are bursting with positivity ... I've just added yours to my sidebar, what a lovely blog. xx

  34. THANKS for all the comments, especially from the new commenters who have been reading a while and stayed on the side-lines, it was lovely to hear from you.

    To put matters straight I haven't had nasty comments, well no more than the usually deleted ones, it's just the negativity in blogland and, as I thought about it more last night, on platforms like Instagram and YouTube that was getting me down. I think the answer is my little break in Wales with minimal online presence and then a rethink on what I am reading and watching. There could be a little bit of deletion going on when I get back.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
    Sue xx

  35. I totally understand what you are saying, Sue, I've had to limit what I read too as I'm already feeling down and don't need anyone else's help to do it! Your blog is always lovely to read, as so many comments above testify. Please enjoy your break and carry on making us all happier!
    Have a wonderful weekend x

  36. Hugs. I enjoy every post. Sometimes we need to be not ourselves and that is okay. It is so mean to offer unecessary advice etc. If you need an ear I will listen.

  37. (((((( lots of hugs )))))) from me to you.
    I would be so sorry if I were never to read another post from you. Rightly or wrongly, I see you as a friend, someone I might get on well with in Real Life, and I always look forward to reading what you have to say.
    However - it is your blog, your life and, if you decided to stop, I think we'd all understand, especially us regular bloggers, and would remember you with affection and thanks for all the pleasure and information over the years.

    Blimey, that sounds like an obituary - that wasn't the idea at all! Sorry! Have a lovely break over the weekend and I hope your musings and ponderings are helpful and productive.
    All the best, lovely lady!

  38. Oh Sue, I'd hate it if you stopped blogging. I hope you don't.
    After a week spent at Glastonbury with 250,000 positive and kind people it's a real shock to the system to come back to negativity and snarkiness. I think I'm probably just tired and am reading far too much into innocent comments so I'm taking a break for a couple of weeks to reset. See you on the other side (hopefully!) xxx

  39. Hi Sue. I do hope you continue to blog. Reading your post each day is my nice finish to the day. I love that it is just about ordinary things, not the usual crap that fills the media. We need more “normal” people posting to remind us of how life should be. Enjoy your little break away. We visited that area a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  40. Oops, I see I accidently commented as Anon. It’s Janice from Australia.


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