Tuesday 6 August 2019

A Fruity Day

Yesterday was a fruity day.  

Unusual for me as I'm not a great fruit lover, but I am enjoying English strawberries at the moment ... and adding them to my morning Weetabix means I at least have one of my five a day in the form of fruit.

I also tried adding some to my jug of tap water stored in the fridge.  

To be honest, I'm not sure if it's completely my cup of tea but it made a pleasant change.  I don't like sweet drinks and the fruit did obviously make the water sweeter and sweeter over the course of the day and it went mushy which I found a bit disconcerting ... although the chickens enjoyed eating it when I fished it out after drinking all the water  :-)

This though I can live with ... it tastes bloody gorgeous.

Sue xx


  1. I haven't had weetabix for ages, I really fancy some now. I am with you on the sweet drinks.
    I would rather have a glass of water, I am enjoying my nutribullet smoothies at the moment, packed with fruit,spinach and seeds yum.... xx

    1. Yes, I need to get back to my Nutribullet smoothies. I have enough banana chunks in the freezer to make a weeks worth ... and still have some left over for 'nice-cream' :-)

  2. I love cereal but it just doesn't fill me up. I'm looking for good an hour later. I tend to make a protein shake with added berries in my nutribullit.

    1. I know exactly what you mean. A Smoothie made with a good mix of fruits and a spoonful of oats is much more satisfying. Perhaps I should try chucking a Weetabix into it :-)

  3. I actually had some Ontario strawberries this morning (so sweet & delicious), along with some blueberries and Greek yogurt - it's going to be a long and busy day so thought I'd better eat some breakfast before heading off!

    I like to put lemons into my jug of water in the fridge but cucumbers add a really refreshing taste as well.

    1. I usually have a slice of frozen lemon in a mug of hot water each morning, and then put the lemon slice into a glass of water in the fridge. It's amazing how many lemony drinks I can get from that one slice :-)

  4. That sounds good Sue. Do you just slice a lemon and freeze the slices? I've never frozen fresh lemon - any hints? Thanks!

    1. Yes just that ... wash, slice and open freeze and then bag up once frozen. Works with oranges and limes too🙂

  5. I eat so much fruit I think I must be related to the fruit bat.

    1. Haha, a cute fruit bat then 🤣

    2. I hope your UK strawberries are healthy, ours here in Australia usually aren't. The soil is treated with something frightful before planting then during growing they are sprayed 7 times with some chemical. Such a shame .....they look fabulous but are mostly hard and don't taste nice .I will grow my own this Summer.

    3. The strawberries grown here in the UK are grown undercover in huge open sided poly or glass tunnels and are luciously delicious and sweet. Mine are grown outside in the strawberry beds that I started when we moved here.

  6. I must try your freezing trick. I really don't drink enough water. Here we are eating blueberries and watermelon.

    God bless.

    1. It's very quick and simple, and means I only have to buy one lemon a week that lasts for all my drinks, or if I find them on offer I invest in a net of lemons and process them all at once 🍋 Try not to buy waxed lemons though, I made that mistake once and the scum floating on my drink was YUK!!

  7. I love the taste of pure clear tap water .. don't want any fruit messing with the flavour. We are enjoying peaches and nectarines these days .. along with a variety of berries. My older sister jokes of growing up with the belief that bananas were black and came in halves .. Mom & Dad had very little money.

    1. That's what I was thinking as I worked my way down the jug. In fact I had a few glasses of water as well.

      It's nice as a change on a hot day, but it's not something I'll be doing regularly.


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