Wednesday 7 August 2019

Miss It When I'm Away

Vanlife suits me to a tee.

I miss it when I'm away (like now) .. but relish it all the more when I can get back.

The lazy moments are celebrated and appreciated.

Doggy walks are to be enjoyed by everyone.  

I try to get into the dogs' mindset ... noticing the things around me, the smells of the damp grass, the all invasive Himalayan Balsam.  I see the damselflies flitting over the river, I hear the sounds like the river lapping at the bank and the motorway humming in the distance, the crackle of the electricity in the pylons as we cross under the wires.  If you forget all about everything that usually fills your mind, the lists of things to do, things people have said to you, things you want, things you need and give yourself over to the walk it becomes so much more in every way.

Photo from Google Images

Forgetting the worries or thoughts of the day and being in the spirit of the walk means it's so much more relaxing. 

And if Suky leads me almost unbidden to our favourite 'coffee and cake' shop it is usually very welcomed, with the hustle and bustle of ordering a filter coffee, picking up a glass of water and a Bonio dog biscuit (her 'coffee and cake') for Suky, exchanging pleasantries with the staff and other customers, and finally finding a table leading me back in a nice gentle way into the day ahead.

Sue xx


  1. A road safety saying fits this perfectly, stop - look - listen!

  2. I think it so sad when I see so many people out with their dogs with headphones firmly in place listening to whatever, or on their phones chatting to whoever. I love walking along daydreaming and watching the world go by and occasionally stopping for a chat with a fellow dog walker! x

  3. I agree completely! I love my time out with my little dog, lottie. It's easy to feel as though you're on a mouse's wheel. I for one try to get off as much as possible!

  4. No dogs in my world (major allergies in the family) but I find that my grandchildrens' excitement over simple things refreshes my view on life.

  5. I think most of us would benefit from taking time out to enjoy what we have. I Hope to have a dog one day, perhaps I will train them to find the local coffee shop.

  6. I can totally see what you mean, it sounds bliss, I want it as well.x

  7. Sounds like my idea of heaven

  8. I have found your blog via John Gray. After the daily tasks of a large garden during a heatwave are done I will retire to a cool room and read back through your posts. I quick look with my morning tea has been a delight. With regard to your holiday, our home is only accessible by ferry, occasionally a frustration but mostly a blessing.

  9. Ita important to enjoy the moment. Sometimes hard to do, but worth striving for

  10. Enjoying the simple things in life is a creed we should all follow. You do a marvelous job of it as well as opening all our eyes to the beauty that quietly surrounds us.

    God bless.

  11. Your environment contributes because it is beautiful. You have trees and water and woods. Here, if you go into van or mobile home communities, so many are barren of trees or greenery and almost stacked on on top of another and no beauty because they are often in the poorer parts of town.You are right about slowing and taking things in.


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