Thursday 9 January 2020

Too Few or Too Many ... or Just Enough

Do you have too few clothes ...

 … or too many.

The question should of course be what do you consider to be too few or too many?  I was reading online about a girl that only owns 10 items of clothing at a time, only replacing things when they wear out.  For me I think this would be too few.  

A couple of years ago I did Project 333, choosing 33 items of clothing to see me through each 3 month season, now that worked really well.  I enjoyed the pulling together of a sort of capsule wardrobe and the freedom it gave me in the mornings to choose from the just few favourite items I had available.  When I went away on holiday for a week while I was doing this, all my things fitted very comfortably into one small sized carry on bag.

When things in my 'collection' didn't work for any reason ... or wore out as a couple of things did … I could donate them to the charity shop or throw them away and pull in something else to replace them, because with this Challenge all you do is pack away all your other stuff ready to rifle through them again at the next change around date.

At the moment it feels like I have too many clothes.  Of course I have to remember that just for now I have all my clothes from both here and from the Van, as I did have to duplicate some things and have extras of other things like underwear that always ended up left in the washing basket at one end or the other.

Still it feels like there's too much.

There is a lot less than here used to be though thanks to me selling a couple of rails worth of stuff at last years car boot sales.  The middle shelf here, where the spare bedding for the two beds is sat, used to have another plastic box of out of season wear.  

Not any more  😊

As well as the wardrobe I have three drawers in the chest of drawers and Alan has the other one for his spare t-shirts. He only needs the one as his bedside table also has drawers, two of which he uses for underwear and hankies etc.  One of mine has a mix of t-shirts and jumpers, one half a dozen bulky jumpers and the other one is full of all my underwear.

Again half of this is usually at the Van, so at the moment the drawers feel very cramped as well as the wardrobe.  Although I have just noticed how wonderfully co-ordinated the things in there are.

But I still think it's time for me to have a bit of a sort out!!

One place I definitely need to have a bit of a clear out is my shoe cupboard. 

 I seem to have kept a lot of old 'dog walking shoes' that I really don't need, as now have two pairs of really good walking boots thanks to finding another pair like my favourites in the Hotter sale.  And I have lots worn out Converse style sneakers that I've worn for a couple of years that are just about okay enough to go into the charity shoe recycling container at our Tesco store.

I have some as yet unworn ones for this Summer as I watch out for them in the end of season sale in Sainsury's and Asda and get my next years supply then … usually for around £3 a pair.

Although looking at this photo from Google Images my shoe cupboard suddenly looks very tame!!

I guess we each have what we like to have, and if it gets out of control for any reason it feels good to be able to get things back to within limits that really only we should set for ourselves.

I suddenly feel a very real need to get back to P333 and see what sort of workable capsule wardrobe I can pull together now I don't need outdoor working clothes anymore.

So if you don't hear from me for a day or two … I'll be in the wardrobe  😉

Sue xx


  1. Your wardrobes look very neat and tidy, I sorted out 4 bin bags full last year.
    We have a charity shop which sells clothing from 99p, I declutter once a year allowing for myself to
    buy some more items from the charity shop, so all in all the charity shop does very well from us and I
    get some new things myself.

  2. Be careful while you're in the wardrobe just in case you find a way out of the back into a snowy world!

  3. The nearest I get to this approach is to have a Summer wardrobe and a Winter wardrobe. At present all my smocks, summer trousers, sandals and T shirts and cotton cardigans are packed away washed, ironed and all ready to wear when the season arrives. All my woollies, coats, waterproofs, boots and the like fill the wardrobe. I do like doing this because on the change over it is like meeting old friends.

  4. We do actually need a wide variety of clothes here though. I get quite cross at people telling us that we could manage with only 10 items. THIS IS WALES!!!!!

  5. Summer-Winter clothes here.

    And I cull them.

    Do not want to have things, we don't wear.

    Good luck with getting your clothes, to the amount you want to deal with.


  6. I live in Canada - Minus 18 today but can reach 40C or more in the summer so I need two very different wardrobes - with just a few items that will work for both. But - I've never had a huge wardrobe - I prefer quality over quantity - so I learned to mix and match early on to make things stretch.
    However, there are always "mistakes" - those items that you think you should own, or that you bought just because - so I've done a lot of culling of those items. I now stick to black, navy & grey as my basics (no matter the season) - mostly white shirts, t-shirts & blouses and then pops of colour added via my sweaters or scarves.
    My one weakness is my sweaters - I have a lot - but what I do now is pick 2 or 3 colours per season and use them - and keep the rest packed away for next year.
    I actually don't own enough shoes - I need to buy a couple of new pairs. I have an awkward sized foot and have always had trouble finding shoes that fit properly. Purses - I try to buy good leather bags - and then use them for 10 years or more!
    I think I have enough Winter clothes (although could use a formal suit or cocktail dress) - but Summer is still a work in progress.

  7. I have lots of clothes but like a lot of people I stick to just a few favourites. I think because I wore a uniform at work you swap civies in as a uniform.

  8. I definitely have far too many!

  9. I really need to do this; I have been getting there slowly - when we went to start work in Devon last year I took all the clothes from the storage unit and sorted them all out. I then put some back (ones that were too small!!) and used the rest, thinking I would manage to get rid of some, but as we were wearing uniform 6 days out of 7 during the season, that did not really happen!

    We currently have all the clothes with us again, and I really do have too many, especially coats and 'posh' jackets (from when I worked in an office). I know I have to get rid of quite a lot of things as they will definitely not fit into the motorhome (when we are not working) but I do love almost everything I own!


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