Friday 28 August 2020

John Gray - Influencer

So I read John Gray's blog post the other day, the one called  Guilty Pleasures  all about him going wild in the centre aisles in his local Aldi ... and then I made the mistake of going shopping, yes you've guessed it to Aldi 🤣🤣

There really was a plethora of new and varied goodies.  All sorts actually, there was a real mixture of random stuff not just the usual gardening, summer sports or DIY type linked specials.  I quickly spotted the pencils that John Gray bought and then I spied the notebooks 'ooh he didn't mention those' I said out loud to myself, it's okay no one can hear you chatting away to yourself when you're wearing a mask ... well that's what I tell myself these days!!

In this little stationery section there was also the cardboard tube ...

... with it's contents.

All these items were just £1.99 each, and although I didn't really need them, you all know that stationery is one of my few weak spots and they will come in handy one day.  So they all made it into my trolley.

I spotted John's little glow in the dark squidgy nightlight thingy, and although I loved it and it's little assorted friends I couldn't justify a splurge on one of them.  But then I spotted a brilliant deal on Aveeno hand creams and body lotion and treated myself to some of these.  At just £3.49 for the body lotion and just £2.99 for the hand-creams they really were a bargain worth having. 

You never know what you are going to find on the centre aisles so it's always worth a look, and when the rain is thundering down outside and people are running past the shop windows looking like drowned rats, there is really no need to rush through the shopping.

So John Gray as well as being a brilliant blogger and a newish YouTuber, can now officially class himself as an up and coming Influencer 😃

Sue xx


  1. Oh, dear. You know where I'm going to have to go, don't you? Ooops!

  2. Agree about his influence and added to that he is a good supportive friend. He helped me greatly through my husband's illness and death (brain tumour) - long distance but I knew he was there on the end of the phone if I needed to talk.

  3. John is a kind soul. I will give myself an extra five minutes in the store next time I go, instead of the dash I normally do.

  4. I was in Aldi for the first time since lockdown the day after that post and I spotted all the stuff he bought too. Usually I'm very influenced by influencers but on this occasion I was determined to get what I went in for which was their excellent pooh bags! :D

  5. Same in Lidl. Every Thursday the centre isle changes. We look each week but only buy if we really need it. Fantastic stuff.

  6. I love the middle aisles in Aldi and Lidl. There is so much to rummage through.

  7. We all have our "guilty pleasures"... as it should be. I love Aldi too. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. I love how all the blogs I read connect and merge from time to time. Well done on your bargains and for avoiding John's squidgy night light thingy.

  9. I understand completely! John's post made me want to go out shopping for random goodies! You did good down the center aisle. I love Aveeno and stationery items get me too. Did you know, besides being able to talk to yourself under a mask you can also fill it with little candies and have a snack! Life gives us lemons - make lemonade!k

  10. I like John's blog too - I think he 'gets it' about the need to treat ourselves to small pleasures and it is so good for us, we shouldn't call them guilty pleasures - little treats lift our spirits and as long as we find something in our budget (Aldi has to qualify!) then why not! a pot plant, something slightly over budget for dinner, a good book, a nice piece of art for the wall.

  11. Well done finding some useful goodies.I was in my local Aldi yesterday for cat food (tiny tins are Awesome) and was shocked to find half the middle aisles missing, not just stock, the area was empty floor space. 😲

  12. Thank heavens we don't have an Aldi here in Saskatchewan cause I was just getting ready to hop out of my chair and head out the door. Then I remembered.

    Great deals in those center aisles.

    God bless.

  13. Every so often we need to just go and treat ourselves. Good on you girl!!

  14. I find the randomness of what you get in the middle aisles in Lidl equally unexpected and quite fascinating. We only go once a month so it's always a bit of a's amazing what catches my eye! Arilx


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