Wednesday 9 September 2020

Slowly Forwards

I need to slow  things myself down.

For this week at least I need to take each day as it comes and move forward more slowly, stop almost buying houses for instance!!  Easy to say, harder to do.  I'm an Aries, impulsive, decisive, always on the go and always wanting to achieve more from myself.  For the next few days I am going to wind myself down, sit still for longer, and be in nature more, walk more slowly ... Suky will approve of that one.  Slow things to a crawl.

I have an important Challenge coming up starting on Sunday and I need to conserve energy and strength for a week living on the smallest of rations.  There's no point in wearing myself to a mental frazzle this week and then being comatose on the sofa for the majority of next week.  

I remember all too well the brain fog that descended when I did the same Challenge last year.  On the Facebook group we nicknamed it 'rice brain'  ... it is a real thing.  Carb overload and extremely limited fresh stuff does that to you, but you know it's worth every minute when the money we raise helps so many people for so long after the Challenge ends.

I want to be inventive, incisive and interesting with my recipes ... not that easy when your entire larder consists of:

1.92 kg  White Rice
290g  Red Lentils
85g  Dried Chickpeas
1 400g tin of Kidney Beans
400g White Plain Flour
330mls  Vegetable Oil

... and the extras I have earnt through sponsorship levels ;

170g  Onions
12g  Peanut Butter
One 330ml  Smoothie
1  £3 in value bonus item (to be eaten in one sitting)
2 teaspoons of coffee

I've not mentioned it much on this blog as it's all taking place over on my Challenge Blog, which I know a lot of you read and I don't want to be repeating myself and boring you all too much  πŸ˜‰

But HERE IS my fundraising page, where you can see what I've raised up to now and read the messages from some of the people who have donated.  And the link to my other blog is as always on the sidebar, it's under the heading My Challenge Blog and is called Challenging MyselfYou can just click on this link or the little Ration Challenge picture to get there.

Now I'm off to make myself a cup of coffee ... I am in the process of decaffeinating myself and after a little blip over the weekend I am once again heading in the right direction.  I'm doing quite well it's almost 11am and I've only had one half normal and half decaf coffee up to now!!  By Thursday night I will be on completely decaf and then I'll start really reducing the number of coffees even more and get used to drinking plain water. a bit more  Hopefully this will mean no headaches for me this year ... just  'rice brain'  🀣🀣

Sue xx


  1. Good luck Sue, you should do well as you're being so methodical with your preparations.

    1. Thanks, it's been brilliant having the time to prepare this year πŸ˜ƒ

  2. Is it not possible to make fresh herb tea or is it assumed they wouldn’t have access to these?

    1. There is no foraging allowed as in the majority of camps there is nothing growing. I can't drink teas of any description anyway as they make me nauseous. Tea drinkers have the option to earn up to 10 teabags by appealing for sponsorship ... again no good for me though πŸ₯΄

  3. Hi, do you use the naturally decaf coffee that done with water or the ordinary one as I find the other can sometimes give you headache. Heather

    1. I'm just using the decaf version of my usual instant coffee in the run up to the Challenge. I'm an original NescafΓ© girl through and through πŸ˜ƒ

  4. Slowing down is a wonderful idea. I could never go without coffee.

    God bless.

    1. That's going to be the hardest thing I think. It's almost like a little ritual the making of a coffee and sitting down to drink it while reading or blog hopping. It's going to be a watery week!!

  5. Good luck with all the last minute preparations and enjoy the pre-challenge slow down.

  6. The picture of you with your furry family is the sweetest thing. Well done with all your preparations, hope the challenge goes well.


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