Wednesday 25 January 2023

Menu Plan Monday, on a Wednesday ... and Stealing Food


I must be better organised ... Menu Plan Monday nearly didn't get done until Tuesday, and as you are here now and reading it I've no doubt you have noticed that now it's Wednesday!!

I also swap and change the meals around a bit, which is absolutely not a problem really but on Monday night no sooner had I written down pizza for tea than I made myself ... 

... a salad sandwich using the 'coleslaw' mix and a couple of Quorn ham slices.

Oh well, it's all food and all delicious and it needed using up.  I also stole the bread from Alan's breadbin.  He had just left for work and I was over in his kitchen feeding the dogs and Ginger, and I spied lovely fresh bread just crying out to be nicked ... so I did.

To be honest I could call it a swap for the piece of birthday cake that I gave him to eat before he set off on his travels.  So swapsies, not tea-leafing.

My actual menu from last week shows that I did do slightly better than the first week.  

I didn't make the Quorn and vegetable curry so that has been moved forward to this week when I will have some more time, and not all the meals were eaten on the day that they were supposed to be, but they were eaten and that has made a huge difference to actually being able to open the drawers of the freezer much more easily.

I was feeling really pleased with myself ... and then Alan reminded me just before he left that I have a pack of Aldi meat-free sausage rolls in his freezer left over from Christmas!!

The three pages of freezer inventory are getting a bit more difficult to scan through now, so because I saved them on the computer I may go and alter them and make it easier to see exactly what I do have left to use ... and I must remember to add to the list the four sausage rolls.  😄

Sue xx


  1. Just look at all those 'finished' ticks - I reckon you're doing really well.
    I also reckon that if you start thinking about it on Monday, that counts!! xx


    1. Yes, I just about got in there by the skin of my teeth! I know ... I do love a row of ticks. :-)

  2. Being away last week for some time and going again soon means our freezer is still quite full and we haven't got to eat many items up. We are having simple meals this week as there is a lot of bedding to wash from daughter's visit and things to prepare and I need to run the fridges down. Staying overnight in a hotel now to break our journey to Scotland (to save my bad back) means we cannot take any prepared meals with us or the cool bag full of our fridge remnants like we used to as they don't stay cold during the two day journey. I love a page of ticks! x

    1. At least the food is safely there and is ready for use when you do need it. Things have changed for both of us so much over the course of the last couple of years hasn't it, but we find ways to manage and make do, and never complaining ... and that is good.

  3. I like your idea of making a list, and checking things off, may borrow your idea. Thanks!

    1. It's really worked for me this time, alongside the menu planning. And I do like ticking things off :-)

  4. You are reminding me to do my inventory lists. Thank you! :)

    1. Yes, get stuck in and make that list. ;-)

  5. Shhh, haven't made my lists as of yet... Hopefully sometime soon. Quite often I will switch meals around.

    God bless.

    1. I find that using the meal planner as a list of ideas and being able to switch days around is the best way, and that's why things do get carried forward to the next week if they aren't used in the week I write them. I think it's only this level of flexibility that is going to make it work for me.

  6. Some young friends are doing something similar, and posting photos of what they make on Facebook. My goal is slightly different. I don't want to clean out my food stores, because I store at least a year's worth at all times. My goal is to use what I have wisely so at the annual freezer and cellar cleaning I am not having to toss too much to the chickens or compost.

    1. It seems that so many people are doing this this year. It's nice that people have picked up on bloggers eating down the stores, no spend months and freezer/cupboard challenges and transferred it to the more modern and watched medium of YouTube and Instagram. I was watching one of my favourite young YouTubers yesterday and she has just started her freezer challenge.

      I do think when you have large food stores and need to keep them topped up, as you do and as we did when we lived on our various farms and smallholdings, good rotation is the name of the game rather than using everything up and starting from scratch ... and I do miss having chickens to throw any scraps too.


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