Friday 27 January 2023

Turning Two Salmon Fillets into Four Meals


On the menu plan for Wednesday night was Salmon and Spinach en Croute with Mash ... et voilà.

The ready rolled pastry came out of the freezer as did the salmon fillets and the three spinach pellets that I used, wow, for once I was completely on track.

The plan had been to use the rest of the pastry for a Leek and Potato pasty thing from one of Miguel Barclay's books, but I decided instead to make something using some of the things that I wanted to use up from the fridge.  I fished out two of my remaining eggs and the third of a block of feta style cheese.

I think you can pretty much work out from the photos what I did, but I do perhaps need to point out that this tin is not a 'jam tart' sized indentations tin.  The six holes are actually small pie sized, the sort you would use to make a Higgidy Homity pie.  

Once I had cut out the six circles of pastry I used the leftovers to re-roll and wrap the other salmon fillet for my Salmon en Croute that's pictured cooked on the top photo.

Straight from the oven and cooling down in the tray while I went off and ate my tea, and boy was that filling ... and delicious.

I now have five of these left in the fridge as I might have been tempted to eat one before I took the dogs out for a walk this morning.  After all I didn't want to repeat the temptation of the other day. 😄

Sue xx


  1. What a good idea for those salmon tarts.....I have a few salmon fillets in the freezer (and some pastry) so I might have to try this. Thanks.

    1. They are delicious. Alan got home late last night so I gave him one ... and then another one, he is hooked, and I might have joined him and eaten one more. ;-)

  2. They look absolutely delicious. Clever you! xx

    1. They would be great for picnics as they are equally delicious cold.

  3. Looks yummy. Going to try chicken and ham pies in the air fryer tonight.

    1. Alan loves chicken and ham together, perhaps I'll let him borrow my tin and he can make himself some.

  4. Those look tasty, and quite quick to make too.

    1. It was a doddle with the ready rolled pastry, and as you can just about see my cutter fitted well for 6 circles of pastry from one sheet plus the extra bits re-rolled.

  5. Replies
    1. Very tasty, and surprisingly filling for such small tarts.

  6. What a great idea! And you used what you already had on hand!

    1. It's very satisfying when you can use things up isn't it. :-)

  7. We love a bit of pie! Higgidy Pie? New one on me!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's basically a deep tart-like pastry case filled with veggies and potatoes, some kind of moisture ... gravy, pesto or cheese sauce ... and can be eaten hot or cold. Higgidy is actually a brand name but it's what we have always called these, there is another name but it's escaped my brain at the moment.

    2. YES!! Thank you Sooze, this had been driving me mad!

  8. What a great way to use things up.

    God bless.

    1. It's good to turn little bits and pieces into a proper meal isn't it, especially when the finished result ends up being so tasty.


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