Friday 14 July 2023

No Ration Challenge ... But a Way of Helping Refugees


Any year when I am able to, I sign up for and take part in the Ration Challenge, and my family, friends and wonderful readers usually support me every step of the way.  It's a brilliant way of us all coming together and doing something really positive and helping some very deserving people in the process. 

 (Here's the very start of my journey last year.)

This year there is no Ration Challenge here in the UK, some real diehards signed up and took part in the Australian version, but I thought a year off would suit me better.  I am not always comfortable asking for sponsorship, and I really do believe that occasionally there can be simply too much begging for money especially online.

But when I get a comment like the one I got the other day from regular reader Alison, AKA Fat Dormouse asking for help for a charity that I knew absolutely nothing about, but one that also help refugees in a completely different way, I knew I would have to let my readers know about it to.

Rather than copy and pasting Alison's blog post I will share this LINK to take you directly to her blog entry which describes everything so much better than I could even begin too.  It also contains the links that you can donate through and helps you learn so much more about how this charity works.

I am sharing this today, as a generous individual has offered to double all the donations made over the course of this weekend up to a total of $10,000.  I'm off to donate right now, please could you give a small donation?

Sometimes it's good to raise money to feed people, sometimes it's good to raise money to enable them to contact their loved ones ... and feed their souls.

Thank you.

Sue xx


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