Sunday 2 July 2023

Don't Save Anything ...


Use the good china, wear your best clothes, read the new magazine.  

And always ...

Sue xx


  1. Oh too right Sue, too right

  2. Love this so much - will try x Rachel Eternally 28 x

  3. Love these comments, always enjoy your blog anyway, have read your blogs for long time - great variety and always interesting. Many thanks, Elaine x

  4. I love your blog…..don’t give up. I, like you, get very down about negativity… seems easier for people to be negative without recognising the consequences. My decision was to be the beacon of positivity. It’s hard work but each day I take on that challenge. Take a break, regroup, there’s a positive in everything !Liza B

  5. My husband brought me back from a business trip lovely table mats with paintings of Sydney I put them on the table at the next meal he was so pleased. We are still using them.

    1. Hi the above comment was from Moira

  6. Please Sue, don’t let the haters / idiots get you down. I so enjoy your blog. You have inspired me so much and yours is usually the first place I check when I’m sipping my morning coffee. I know there has been a lot of negativity in the world in general lately and nobody seems to operate on the “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” principal anymore. BUT those of us who follow you regularly love you and your posts. We would miss you terribly. I think you still have more to share with us, your friends.

    Carol (Iowa, US)

  7. Wear everything, use the good dishes, put on your make-up, do your hair, live your life. It's the only one you're going to get, this side of eternity.

  8. Mary Englebreit is a pretty feisty old woman. She has been a outspoken voice in these strange days and I love her for that.

  9. Wonderful, I try to live by both of these x

  10. Since we retired, we use our wedding present tableware, every day. Other stuff went to the charity shop. The multiplicity of 'ordinary' mugs have gone, and we have just a few 'specials' for our coffee. And the ancient, thin and faded towels have gone to the animal sanctuary. And those lovely earrings which belonged to my late cousin get worn OFTEN - even if I am going to be at home all day. And I write my letters with a lovely ink filled fountain pen. Precious gifts should be used and celebrated, with gratitude for the givers, and for the happy memories evoked. And if things do not bless me, or bring joy, then I need to share them with someone who will appreciate them.

    1. PS, can I use the second picture on my blog, please?

  11. Since I was widowed, moved states and downsized there is nothing that can be considered "for best". I get dressed up to go to the supermarket if I feel like it, and there is nothing in my home that isn't used at least on a weekly basis.

  12. tomorrow I will wear the linen dress that I have had for weeks. lol. You are so right Sue. Briony

  13. I'm using my 'best' stuff and getting a great deal of pleasure from doing so. After all, I bought them because I loved them.
    As you said to me not so long ago, you just never know what is around the corner. xx

  14. Hello! Yes. I agree so much with you. It took me years to realize the "good" china in the china cupboard could be used everyday. Thank you for sharing. Have a cozy evening!


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