Monday 11 September 2023

Apologies to Anyone Who Loves the Heat

 For sure.  ๐Ÿ’š

I love Autumn, and no sooner than I thought it had arrived it left!!

 Only the other week as the days, and especially the nights, started to cool I was dreaming about putting on my winter-weight duvet and snuggling up at night, pulling my warmer jumpers and cardigans out of storage and packing away the lighter Summer coloured t-shirts for another year.  It's a good job I didn't react to my first thought isn't it.  

Last week was a sweaty mess in every sense of the word.  Watering plants to keep them alive was suddenly top priority, well along with trying to keep my little place cool for the dogs and Ginger to escape from the sun.  How Alan managed down South wearing a shirt and suit each day at work I have no idea!

Yes, the nights are drawing in at a fast pace and the darker evenings are a balm to my soul but I need cool, lots of cool at this time of year.  Thank goodness it seems to be cooling down to more Autumnal temperatures this week ... and fingers crossed it stays that way. 

Now all I need to do is go to the car wash and get that Saharan dust that came down in the thundery showers the other day, washed off my car.

Sue xx


  1. I am with you. I hate it when it's hot, my asthma is made worse and I lose any energy! I like Spring type weather, warm and a breeze are ideal for me.

    1. Yep, I felt like I had hay fever all week and my back was terrible, heat obviously affects us in so many ways.

  2. Apology accepted - but I'd like it hot all September!

    1. Ahh ... bugger off. ;-)

      It was just TOO hot for comfort last week.

    2. I agree, I love it hot. I have felt cheated this summer as it was so cold and miserable

    3. It's been like two little Summers with a big chunk of cool and wet in the middle here in the UK hasn't it ... very strange weather for sure.

  3. Sun is nice but not those extremes, looking forward to cosier evenings where sweating all night isn't an issue!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. There definitely needs to be a balance. I'm fine up to about 20 degrees, then I have to cool myself down for sure.

  4. I must admit that much as I prefer the warmth of summer sunshine, even I am ready for autumn now. This year, the return to school has felt strange without the cool fresh air in a morning, X

    1. It's a shame the hot weather came back just as virtually all the kids were back at school. :-(

  5. I’m a spring and autumn person too. I have felt so overheated recently and have mooched about instead of being creative. Catriona

  6. I love the heat and have often joked that if I went missing a good place to start looking would be Portugal.

    But I also love seasons, all of them, and am looking forward to Autumn getting properly in her stride.

    1. We are very lucky in the UK we do usually have a definite four season year, but nature is just struggling to keep the seasons defined at the moment I think. Autumn is lovely. :-)

  7. I've been known to unfriend people on Facebook for moaning about the weather! It's never too hot for me, I've crossed the Sahara on a camel in the heat of the summer and still never got a sweat on, I was a lizard in a past life. I loathe Autumn, the damp, the condensation on the windows, the massive spiders and the dark mornings, I'll be off to the heat and humidity of Greece at the weekend and I'm counting the hours.
    Love your pets, they're adorable! xxx

    1. All the things you loathe I love ... well except for the HUGE spiders. I hope you both have a wonderful time, you've earned a break after all the festival work. :-)

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the heat of summer! I love autumn and winter. You can do so much more to keep warm than to keep cool. I know people suffer from so called SAD in the winter but no one ever thinks about those of us who hate the heat - almost like SAD in reverse. In hot weather I only have to move my little finger to be reduced to a sweaty mess so the cooler the better for me. Fiona x

    1. Yes for sure, I love wrapping up in layers and quilts and snuggling down, so much easier than trying to keep cool. The only thing I don't like is cold feet, so I need to sort out some snuggly slippers for in the house.

  9. That was an amazing thing to read about that Sahara dust. I'm glad your heat broke. There is nothing more miserable than trying to accomplish ANYTHING in the heat.

    1. Typically it all landed overnight on the very day that I was going to get my car washed. And then we were having showers all morning so I decided against paying for a car wash when it was happening over and over. My car is a mess ... thank goodness it's grey already. :-)

  10. I hope it cools down soon for you. Personally, I like it hot! :D

    1. It's beautifully cool today, in fact I have cold arms ... absolute bliss. :-)

  11. If every day could be like yesterday and the rain came overnight, I'd be very happy! But before yesterday (Monday), yes, it has been pretty uncomfortable at times. I like warm but hate sweat and Autumn is such a lovely, colourful season. xx

    1. The colours are beautiful in Autumn aren't they. It's the time of year that I really miss living in Cumbria, we used to have such magnificent colour displays.

  12. spring and autumn are my favourite times of the year, i also have struggled with the heat x

    1. Yes, I would say Autumn is tops for me followed closely by Spring. I do love Spring ... but when it's nearly over I know that Summer is on it's way.

  13. I can wholeheartedly relate to the meme above. I hate the kind of heat that makes me sweat and prevents me sleeping at night. ...Yuk....I LOVE the cool nights and mornings of Autumn and the gentle warmth of Spring but heat...definitely not. It's drizzling right now and I'm lapping up the cool breeze through the open windows :)
    My car is filthy too. It changed from black to gold overnight!

    1. I HATE being sweaty, I actually woke in the night to go to the bathroom one night last week and the sweat was dripping down my face ... yuk!!

    2. How horrible that must have felt :(

    3. I know, proper YUK!! I washed my face in cold water ... and luckily didn't wake myself up too much. :-)

  14. I'm with you on the weather! I'm so tired of this Texas heat! When it's 9:00 p.m. and still in the 90's, all I want to do is move to another state! I'm counting down the days until our first cold front moves in and we all go running outside to celebrate! At this point, I'll take it being in the 70's. That would be a great start to Fall!

    1. Gosh I couldn't cope with that, Alan had it in the mid-thirties in the office last week (that would be around 94 to you). I don't know how he managed wearing a suit. :-(

      I can just about cope with the very low 70s, that's 21/22 to us. We're at 16 today. :-)

  15. This is such a lovely blog. I am very happy I found it and look forward to coming back.

    1. Happy to have you here, welcome to the blog. xx


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