Friday 29 March 2019

Breaking the Rules

There are glimpses of better weather on the horizon, hopefully more prolonged better weather.  The sun comes out regularly and clear blue skies hint at better times ahead.  If you stand in the right place, tilt your face in the right direction and close your eyes ... you can almost imagine it's a warm Spring morning as the warmth intensifies and seeps through to your bones.

And it's tempted me into being a rule breaker!!

We're not supposed to have washing lines outside the vans.  We are allowed those racks that hang out of the caravan windows, you know the ones I mean ... you see them festooned with drying towels and swimwear ... but I've not got one of those yet.  Instead I've strung a low piece of clothes line between the wood that holds the guttering on the shed and then tied the other end around the top rail of the decking.  

It works wonderfully well.

It feels a bit like clandestine clothes drying.

  As long as can get away with it I will, but I won't push my luck by hanging out rows of giant greying knickers and bras.  If I get challenged ... and I might as we are in the line of vision of the CCTV camera that guards the bin area, which is great for my security but not so great for little rule breaker me ... I will apologise profusely and invest immediately in the right bit of kit.

But I do love a line of washing drying naturally in a sunny breeze  ♥️

Sue xx


  1. Break all the rules you have to!!!! There is nothing better than wash drying on the line! Annster's Domain

  2. I love that you are always so cheerful. Your description of turning your face to capture that warm sun was just perfect and I can't wait to hang laundry on my clothesline, especially the sheets. Heavenly.

  3. It seems a little tough that you cannot have a washing line, I know some touring sites don't like washing lines tied to trees etc, but its a bit strange when the whole idea of the static caravan encourages longer term occupancy.

    1. There is a launderette on site with large sized machines, driers and an iron and ironing board ... for those of us not breaking the rules 😉

  4. I love the smell of line dried sheets or clothes! Yesterday I was able to hang a few things outside again, and we were able to open the doors for awhile and get some fresh air in the house. And you're right, real Spring is just around the corner!

  5. I couldn't live in a place with RULES about drying laundry and other petty things...I guess drunken,noisy, outside parties, though, are ok?

    1. No, they're not. Residents all know each other and newcomers and holiday makers are soon told to turn music, partying down a few notches if they are disturbing the peace. The club closes at around midnight at the weekends and then usually peace reigns all over the park within minutes.

      The rules about drying laundry are there for a reason. I've lived in places before that had lines of washing across streets and yards and it can start to look messy. This is after all a holiday destination for a lot of people and it's nice to keep it looking good. I never put washing out at weekends for that reason.

  6. a very discreet line of washing , That is what I miss about living here even though I love it XXX

  7. Enjoy your rule breaking!! Nothing smells as good as clothing dried outside on lines.

    God bless.

  8. I wish I could rig a washing line for me but I've not figured out how to do so without it being to low for the clothing to hang from since I use a wheelchair and a regular washing line is too high. I love the fresh smell and the sight of laundry billowing in the breeze and with all of the sun we get where I live, it would make sense. Unfortunately, the community in which I live has no washing lines and the HOA doesn't permit them, so I would need to be a rule breaker and I've no way of being as discreet as you. I hope you're successful!

  9. Watch out for washing line police!

  10. I used to use those window hangers that they have for caravans in my first flat and hung them over the balcony railings. I obviously knew about them from spending so much time in static caravans growing up.


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