Thursday 21 March 2019

And now you don't have to be perfect ...

What can I say after yesterdays wonderful selection of comments, thank you doesn't seem enough ... but thank you  💖

I'm hoping you all enjoyed learning about each other, as much as I did learning about you.  I guess there's lots of questions that could be asked but yesterdays were good at getting us all sharing, and for bringing those of you that will now forever be known as 'the lovely worms' out of the dark corners of lurker-dom.

It was lovely to meet all of you.

I think we are all of an age when we have realised that we don't have to be perfect to the world to be perfect for ourselves and those that we love.  And if they don't see our imperfect perfection as something to celebrate then we will simply shrug and grin.  Each to their own and all that.

This is a quick post as I am about to load up the car, pile in the dogs and hit the road.  A Smaller Life is calling me back after a week of Welsh-dom ... and a wet week at that.  It was nice to be here and wonder about things a bit more.  But I know in my heart it's nicer to be heading back.

So while I munch on a egg butty and swig from my big mug of coffee, I will reply to the last few of yesterdays comments.  And thank you again, you are very appreciated.

Sue xx


  1. I missed your post yesterday Sue I am sorry to say. So just to add my twopennorth -I am 86 and still going strong apart from a pesky ankle.

    1. Thank you Weaver. You're wonderful ... well apart from your ankle, hope it can be okay soon. xx

  2. I was too shy yesterday, but am here this morning to report that I am 75 years young. Also a chance to say how inspired I am by your writings. You are certainly enjoying the life you have created, as I am too. I identify with your other commenters as being very content with my own self.

    1. You really don't need to be shy here, and because you waited a day ... you are now a day older ;-)

      Thank you for your lovely words. xx

  3. I’m 69 and DH will be 70 next month. Capricorn and Taurus. We were married in 1971 to our families’ horror as we seemed so young. We have just spent our 44 year old daughter’s inheritance on a brand new motorhome and she couldn’t be happier. To celebrate losing 3 stone in weight in 2017, I had my long hair chopped, my hair silvered and my Capricorn bith sign tatooed on my left wrist. Old age isn’t for cissies, so I’m finally rebelling against my very strict Presbyterian upbringing.

    1. Woahh, I can hear the clinking and crashing of the shakles falling from here !

    2. Absolutely brilliant. Yep, I chopped all my hair off when I left my first husband and got a tattoo when my divorce came through ... and a second tattoo after we got married. Alan got a matching, but neater version of mine a few years later when we were on holiday 🙂

  4. I’m sorry I missed your post yesterday but I’m fast approaching my 60th birthday. I’m happily married to my lovely hubby and will celebrate 36 years married in August. I’m love your blog and find it inspiring.

    1. Thank you that's a lovely thing to say ♥️

  5. And here's another one wishing you well on your new journey- another elder by the look of the above comments lol
    I'm in my 70s - yes 76, born under Libran and in the year of the Horse. Living Loving and Laughing in retirement because it's the only way to go. Wouldn't be dead for quids!
    My Irish granny always used to mutter the first couple of lines of this old blessing as we started our journey home across the Irish Sea - this is it complete

    May the road rise up to greet you
    May the wind always be at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    The rains fall soft upon your fields
    And until we meet again- may God hold you in the palm of his hand

    Take care

    1. Your Irish granny sounds like a lovely lady ♥️

  6. Since I missed your blog post yesterday (will go back and read it) I am 63 and Harvey and I have been married for 43 years now.

    God bless.

    1. That's quite an achievement 🙂

  7. I'm glad you "knew" me before your last post, so I am not a worm, ha. But perhaps we are not worms but Caterpillars, all on our own unique journey to becoming Beautiful Butterflies!

    1. I prefer worms to caterpillars ... they eat my veggies, the worms on the other hand feed my veggies and are much more useful.

  8. SUE'S mum here! I have only just seen Sue's trip down memory Lane from the other .Syd's Aunty Ida and Uncle Harold were really wonderful to the four of us when we could not really afford a holiday. Harold Taking us there and coming back for us at the end of the holiday. He would only take a small rent , So we used to . Wash the outside of the caravan etc. He would not even take petrol money from us . A really lovely kind couple . Joan XXX

    1. Yep, four adults and two children, plus enough luggage for a two week caravan holiday all packed into a Ford Anglia 😆


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