Thursday 28 March 2019

Wallowing, Flaking and Daffodils

Sorry ... I've been missing all week.  

There's been little action, just lots of wallowing in my own misery.  We both came down with a stinking cold virus last weekend that all the gloriously happy daffodils in the world could not hope to cheer up.

It's been good to be apart all week, each drowning in the misery of running noses, flaking skin, razor blade sliced throats, hacking coughs that make your ribs hurt and an awful nausea that has lingered and lingered.  I'm a crabby cow when I'm ill.  

I don't do 'ill' very well at all

 We went to the little local garden centre to pick up some compost, bark chips and grass seed before Alan left for home on Sunday.   I remember it well .... it was the last time I felt human 🙃

I've spent far too much time this week watching YouTube ... I know it's been far too much time as I've almost used up the extra data allowance that I purchased at the start of the week ... but there's been little energy for much else.  I bet I know far more about 'Dumpster Diving' by now than the average Brit. 

Suky has had a couple of walks each day, and yes the fresh riverbank air did help as long as I was well wrapped up against the cold winds.  But I've been avoiding as much contact with folk as possible, partly not wanting to share the 'lurgy' and partly because when your nose is flaking like it has a bad case of dandruff and it's redder than any Comic Relief red nose you don't want to stop and make small talk.

I took these photos this morning so I must be on the mend.  Blogging mojo coming back ... yay 😀

I have to brave and venture out now, I need a BIG pan.  Time to slather my nose in any available moisturising cream and go face the world.

Sue xx


  1. Those colds can be rotten and one feels so very rough. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now.

  2. Oh no Sue!!! I had the same and it was horrible!! I am sending you tons of healing thoughts and wishes!!! Fingers crossed that you will feel better soon! HUGS! Annster's Domain

    1. I never made it out, I collapsed in a heap on the sofa and binge watched Tipping Point instead 😆🤣

  3. Sorry you're having such a grotty week, hope you feel better soon. x

  4. Hope you feel better soon. X

  5. I am really sorry that you've been so unwell, these bugs really floor a person, and have such power to make you feel so downhearted, I hope it vanishes very quickly, and you can continue to enjoy your new alternative, and very interesting life. Lots of chicken soup - if the nausea has gone! - and much snuggling down and keeping warm, best wishes to you. REALLY love your new blog! Terry

  6. Sounds horrible. I'm so glad that germs are not transferable by the internet!
    Seriously though, hope you get better soon.

  7. I have had a minor version of that same lurgy - hope yours is better soon.

  8. Vaseline with a drop or two of lavender oil is great for sore noses - home made Happinose! Get well Soon.

  9. Hope you feel better soon snotty!

  10. There was once a young lady named Sue,
    Who was struck by a miserable flu!
    She munched on dry toast
    While fans missed her posts
    We all hope you feel better, we do!!

  11. So sorry to read that you have not been well. Hopefully you are on the mend.

    God bless.

  12. I get horrendous head colds and have discovered the best way to stop the flaky nose syndrome is Kleenex Balsam tissues and then every couple of nose blows, slap on the Sudacrem. It's a nappy rash cream and boy does it work on sore noses. If you can keep up the regime of slapping it on, you don't get the red, cracked nose at all. Also, that horrible dry skin feeling you get with a head cold? Put Sudacrem all over your face, and then have a hot shower. The heat from the shower opens up your pores and the Sudacrem sinks in. It's so thick you still have to wipe it off when you get out of the shower but a nice hot flannel does the job perfectly. I guess other nappy rash creams would work just as well but I happened to have 8 small sample jars of Sudacrem courtesy of a conference for midwives LOL. Savannah.


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