Saturday 23 March 2019

Tigger or Eeyore

Or perhaps you don't have to decide

Where Tigger bounces and is at times infuriatingly upbeat

 Eeyore plods and expects the worst of everything

But perhaps sometimes we can have an Eeyore day 

... and then have a Tigger day

Sue xx


  1. I think that as you get older you realise that you should do things your own way. We are all trying to get through life as best we can and make the most of every day.

  2. I’ve just read these three saying to my husband who promptly said that he thinks we are both Eeyores!
    New resolution to follow Pooh's attitude to the day.
    We spent yesterday with someone who moaned non stop.
    I need to listen to myself and make sure that I’m not doing the same!!
    In answer to your questions about age, I suspect I’m in the upper bracket of your followers as I’m 73.
    I'm trying not to be geriatric and we walk 31/2 -4 miles every day which helps.
    Your blog is interesting and extremely challenging at times.
    Thank you, Sue.

    1. I get pulled down so easily by negative people and negative talk, and by timescales and stress levels. I have to work at staying optimistic and remaining upbeat, hence my new Smaller Life. I am literally saving myself.

  3. I think every household should have a copy of Winnie the pooh,I wonder if A A Milne new that his book offers comforting, encouraging and insightful moments that can lift us when we need it as well as being a sweet, funny and wonderful book. Today I will be Tigger ass yesterday I was definitely Eeeyore having tried on a new blouse I had ordered that didn't fit and weighing myself, I am a Pooh with an enormous bottom that could get wedged in a spot at any time !!!

    1. ... as long as you still reach the honey πŸ˜†

  4. I cant bounce anymore but Tigger for me, and Eeyore occasionally.

    1. I think we're all a bit of both πŸ™‚

  5. Oh D .. d .. dear .. dear .. dear .. gotta say I am a bit more of a piglet .. with perhaps a bit of Eeyore mixed in although in the early morning hours .. the family finds me a bit to Tiggerish for them. :)

    1. Haha ... I am most definitely NOT Tigger first thing in the morning ... well not until I've had at least two coffees πŸ˜‰

  6. I am an Eeyore first thing in the morning, but by the time I get some coffee in me I am more of a Piglet or Pooh. I think that most people go through periods of each during a day. Like you negativity really makes me an Eeyore.

    God bless.


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